To Rain or not to Rain?

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To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by joeyofarimathea »

Hello Indygear-er-ers! Quick question I live in So Cal and as you may know we've been finally getting a lot of much needed Rain ( thank you Jesus!)...

So it's never really been an issue for me , therfore i was wondering if it's recommended to wear my S&J jacket and my AB ( Steve delk) Fedora in the rain? Any help is greatly appreciated...

Please share any experience you may have wearing your more expensive gear in the rain....thank you kindly!

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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by Michaelson »

Beaver hats, no issue. Just allow to air try crown down. Rabbit, not a very good rain hat.

Jackets, after treatment, goatskin and horsehide (buffalo as well) excellent, but should be allowed to air dry too then retreated. Cowhide works ok, depending on weights.

Lambskin, no. Even with treatment, soaks up water.

Other folks experience may vary, but that’s my personal experience.

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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by joeyofarimathea »

Thanks always school is in session! Thanks for being dependable, as I know I can almost always rely on at least 1 reply from the Professor! Lol!

Ps- i should have included the details.....

I have the Ultrathin Chocolate Cowhide from S &J and I think I have the beaver from AB? I'm quite sure I ordered Beaver but is there a way to test ? If it helps my fedora is from Steves later runs. It is from after he had to change the liner logo and after almost a year lead.time...
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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by Michaelson »

The two items you have will serve you well in wet weather. Just be sure to allow them to completely air dry, then re-treat them with product for the next outing.

I remember well wearing a USWINGS VIP cowhide and AB beaver in a day long pouring rain that turned into a heavy snow during my Dad’s funeral. Both protected me and dried out fine.

My current avatar shows one of my AB’s being worn after a long miserable day in the rain at Universal Studios Orlando several years back. Hat performance was perfect, but as you can see by my expression, my hoodie was not. I learned that trip to start carrying a poncho in my day bag. :?

It’s pretty hard to tell rabbit from beaver in the AB line, with the exception of color. I found the beaver was a bit darker to me, but that’s just my opinion. His finish on both was exceptionally good so it’s hard to tell by feel. I’d say go with beaver and see how it performs in the rain.

AB rabbit will still do the job, as Steve killed the felt and you don’t have to worry about tapering of the crown on either beaver or rabbit.

Somewhere buried deep in these pages Steve actually did a water test with his various felts and though the beaver came out on top, the rabbit felt he used held its own quite nicely. I was quite surprised. I’ve owned rabbit but other makers that leaked like sieves. The only two I’ve had that did NOT were Akubra Feds and the AB line.

Just keep in mind our gear are tools . Use them. Just take care of them after the fact and they’ll last for years.

I’ve been wearing AB’s in every type weather for decades, and they are still going strong…..but I take care of them as I do my jackets….

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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by joeyofarimathea »

Thanks always great info. thanks again. As.always good to hear from you. By the lack of replies.....i guess your either the only member who replies or the only member who puts their gear to the test! Lol!

Thank you very kindly,
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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by Michaelson »

lol No. I’m sure eventually others will chime in. :lol:

Regards! M
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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by bearbeast »

I don't have anything too useful to add, my oldest gear is 6-7 years old only. :lol: I'd go with Michaelson's advice.

My short experience:

If I know it is going to rain I'll usually take my Fed IV. But I don't shy away when wearing any other hat. I've gotten both beaver and rabbit hats soaked. My older adVintage Harrison seems to have gotten a taper to the crown, but it was the most abused (also sat on), so I am not sure if it's just the rain.

I would say I have gotten all my jackets soaked as well, but the term does not apply to the horsehide. It repels water. Yes, under VERY heavy rain the water does get in at the seams and you will get wet eventually. The lambskin does seem to absorb water more readily.

This being said, my train of thought is: unless you are adventuring hardcore 24/7, you can wear any felt hat and any leather jacket, except suede... It will take years for the gear to take a noticeable hit.

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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by IJJTM »

I’m wearing my cowhide Nowak in the same rain with no issues. Also, I’ve even worn rabbit hats in the rain and had no issues, but beaver would react better.
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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I didn’t reply because all I would have written was, “What Michaelson said.”

I have an AB that I specifically use as a rain hat.

You can check under the sweatband, Steve sometimes wrote notes of the type of felt.


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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by bearbeast »

Indiana Jeff wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:09 pm
I have an AB that I specifically use as a rain hat.
I also keep the hats separate, depending on the tasks:

Fed IV is usually the rain hat
A Tognarelli Raiders is my hiking and biking hat, because it stays VERY well on the head. Tight, but comfortable
An older adVintage Harrison is my business trip hat usually, though I sometimes take the Fed IV, if I expect loads of rain
A new adVintage Harrison is the warm weather hat as it is somehow very light

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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by Charybdis »

It's raining today in my neck of the woods and when it does rain, I grab my beaver AdVintage Harrison...seems like if the fur does well on the little critter, it would do well in the rain for me!
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Re: To Rain or not to Rain?

Post by joeyofarimathea »

Charybdis wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:12 am It's raining today in my neck of the woods and when it does rain, I grab my beaver AdVintage Harrison...seems like if the fur does well on the little critter, it would do well in the rain for me!
Lol....loved the critter comment....makes sense 👍 !

And Thanks everyone for coming through on all the good replies!!!

I gave my AB a try in a light drizzle. Then Left it out ( crown down) and the next day there were no signs it was ever wet! Next time I will give my S&J a test run in the rain...

Thanks, joey
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