Wartime Indy Weaponry

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Iandiana Jones
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Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Iandiana Jones »

I imagine that Indy would carry a 1911 as a sidearm during WWII, provided he's not with Mac on one of the "twenty, thirty missions together in Europe and the Pacific," he did for the OSS.

But what about larger, main weapons?

I go back and fourth over whether he'd carry a submachine gun; like a Thompson or a Grease gun, or a rifle; M1 Garand or 1903 Springfield.

In think a B.A.R. is out of the question. Not his style.

As I typed this out I thought of the M1 Carbine. Probably perfect. Small, light, still takes care of business. Might be his Goldilocks longarm.

Nevertheless, what do you guys think?
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Re: Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I have not delved into the full Indy canon in terms of what he did during the war outside of what is referenced in the movies. That being said, I never had the impression he was a front line soldier. To me his sole involvement with the war effort was with the OSS in a clandestine role so carrying a sidearm would be it. I don’t see him in situations where he would need a rifle or otherwise.


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Re: Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Indiana Jon »

As someone interested in WWII, but who possesses only a basic knowledge of the weaponry (I recognize all the weapons you listed, so I guess that's something :lol: ) I'm interested to see the more educated responses to this.

I also only know the broad strokes of the expanded canon, so forgive me if this is a silly question, but ... Indy was in intelligence during WWII, correct? Basically running around trying to snatch artifacts before the Nazis got to them, right? So would he carry a larger gun? Were such things issued to intelligence officers? I mean, I'm sure he would've had use for them from time to time, but would he carry his own?

Like I said, curious to see this discussion and be educated on the subject.
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Re: Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Iandiana Jones »

Ok, for clarity:

I also doubt he was on the lines too much.

If he was given a Raiders-type assignment during WWII but with a few more people/equipment, bordering on being an "expedition."

If he felt the need, what would he reach for? I think Mac would grab/use a Thompson.
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Re: Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Illinois_Jones »

Well Indy was an officer and he would not have been regularly equipped with a Garand, let alone a BAR. Depending on how hard-hitting the unit he was attached to was, if it was a regular US Army unit, he'd have had either a Thompson or M1 carbine but later in the war -maybe- a grease gun... but even still the grease gun was meant for in the rear with the gear personnel. It was a cheap, throwaway gun not really meant for maintenance and repair, which is not good for frontline troops let alone irregular warfare or airborne units etc. Now it was a pretty reliable gun and easy to maintain, but when it broke it BROKE. In the Pacific, if it was mostly a US affiliated operation, it would have almost certainly been a Thompson. Now if it was purely an OSS and behind-the-lines operation in Europe it would have been what was most available: likely an MP or anything else 9mm the partisans were using OR even possibly a Sten. In the Pacific if it was more in the Burma or Borneo/Malaysia theaters it would have been more likely a Sten.
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Re: Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Dangerfreak »

It's all speculation really, but there seems to be two types of clandestine mission being suggested here. A more substantial military squad in the style of a raiding or reconnaissance party, lets say the US equivalent of the Long Range Desert Group, or a smaller, more descreet operation like something we see in Raiders (i.e. Indy making do with local resources and accompanied by one or two people).
Personally, I think the latter scenario is more likely due to what we see in the films. The raiding or reconnaissance party style of unit could be quite heavily armed, especially if the unit was relying on vehicles, such as the British LRDG and later SAS. I think Indy's style is more likely to be small scale, using local knowledge and resources just like we see in the films. In which case, he's likely to be lightly armed which would also be in keeping with the films.
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Re: Wartime Indy Weaponry

Post by Indiana Croft »

Well, I think if he was on duty, he'd have a 1911.
But if he was on a mission, he wouldn't have a bulky rifle or machine gun to lug around.
But he'd get his hands on whatever was at hand and seeing as it was probably in Europe, he'd grab one of these.
Know's how to use as evidence in LC.


Just my two cents. :TOH:

Croft :mrgreen:
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