New Joe Strain 10 Footer!!!

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New Joe Strain 10 Footer!!!

Post by Cooler King »

I ordered a new 10 Footer Raiders whip from Joe a week ago, and yesterday it finally arrived! I couldn't be happier with it. I've lived with a 6 footer that Joe made for 4 years, and I never knew what I was missing with a 10 footer. I've spent all afternoon re-learning to crack my new whip, and it's actually easier than the shorter whip.


- 10 Foot
- 12 Plait
- Natural Hide
- Custom Raiders handle with larger knot (VERY nice)

Here are some pictures for reference:


You'll have to excuse that picture of my hat, it's poorly represented due to overcast so it looks gray. :P I can't say enough good things about Joe's whips. If you're looking to invest in a fine whip I highly recommend a Joe Strain whip. Now all I need to do is darken it up, but that will happen over time.

It's times like this where you just feel good about a gear purchase, and especially the fact that I've completed my search for the perfect whip and I can rest easy in that. Thank you Joe! :) And a big thanks to Zohar for recommending the custom handle for screen accuracy.
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Post by zohar »

As usual with Joe's whips, the plaitting looks perfect. As for that large knot, credit goes to Williamson for pioneering that. After I held his 8 footer with the big heel knot, I had to have one.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Congrats! Joe's whip's are indeed top of the line. Crack her with pride my friend!
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Aaron... it looks great. You should be giving them away to your staff for Christmas presents.
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Post by Mola Ram »

I totally aggree with Eric. It would make up for all of the pay-checks you have forgotten to give us. Wait, Its Volunteer work? :shock:
Just kidding :lol:
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Post by Cooler King »

I really appreciate all the comments guys, it really is a great whip. :)

It definitely is an easier whip to crack, though it takes some getting used to. And the natural hide is much better than my dark brown that I got my 6 footer in. Natural will take wear better than any other whip I have. I just plain love it. :D
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Molorom wrote:I totally aggree with Eric. It would make up for all of the pay-checks you have forgotten to give us. Wait, Its Volunteer work? :shock:
Just kidding :lol:
I work for Aaron just so I have the satisfaction of a job well done…

… and the cool Christmas cards each year.

Need to see you crack that whip buddy.
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Post by thefish »

That's a great looking whip, CK! And yeah, longer whips crack easier, (just a big, floppy lever,) but a 6 footer is great to practice and learn with, as if you can crack a 6 footer, you can crack just about anything.

I've got a 6' whip now, (it's cowhide, but it's properly plaited and weighted, and cracks and targets reasonably well,) and long for something that has a bit more grace, flow, and sound.

I'm considering an 8' Strain or a Paul Nolan. I've played with whips from both makers, and both are fantastic, but I'll most likely get a Nolan.

My whip coach works with Paul often, and I'll most likely be meeting him face-to-face in July, (and meeting face-to-face carries a lot of weight with me,) but looking at your pictures is swaying me a little the other way.

I'll probably go with a larger turks head as well, as I tend to hold whips low on the handle, and could use the grip. Thanks for sharing!
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Post by sab04 »

holy @#$%!

Joe really did an awsome job on that whip. It couldn't look any more like a morgan! Looking at pics of his whips always makes me want to buy another one! :wink:
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Post by Canyon »

Even though I don't know a lot about whips, I must say, that looks like a pretty good whip you've got there, Aaron. :D
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Post by Indiana Joe »

It's a beaut, Aaron! Don't you love that larger knot? I know I do. I requested it on my 8 foot JS and will request the larger knot on every subsequent whip. I hope to get a 10 footer in a couple of years. Keep it crackin'!

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Post by Williamson »

Your bullwhip looks great and I am sure that you will enjoy it! As far as the large knob that I had put on mine.......have to give credit where credit is due.....Joe Strain is responsible for how the knob on my JS turned out. I wanted my whip to have a certain look and I had always liked the way the bullwhip looked in the "Cairo" street scene.
Something about the shape and proportion of the knob seemed different than what I was seeing on all the whips posted. When my whip arrived it looked perfect but the Turks Head seemed a bit small and in my large hands it just didn't feel right.......I contacted Joe Strain and he said that he knew just what to do....When it came back, it was just as I had always envisioned it would look. He is truly a gifted craftsman and we are fortunate to have him as a part of this community. High regards and crack that whip with pride. Williamson.
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Aaron, that is a gorgeous, gorgeous whip, crack it in good health.

And not to stir the pot ( :twisted: ) but doesn't that hat look spot on for the "gray" fedora in Raiders?

I submit ladies and germs, that it does.
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