Here's the Jackets in the running:
Wested Hero Raiders Jacket

It looks like lambskin is the way to go, but which lamb hide? Shrunken?
I tried reading the HERO Raiders fit vs. the Standard or Street Raiders fit description. Not sure which way to go here. Last time I bought a custom spec'd 46 Raiders off the rack size with no special measurements. That was a number of years ago. Naturally, I'd like to get something that fits me like it should. What should I look for here when it comes to the hero pattern?
The current Wested side adjuster buckles offered now look a little off to me. I think they used something better that was two black rectangles per side strap when I ordered mine some time ago.
I got leather facings inside next to the zippers on the Wested. Not sure if I want to go without them as i get the impression that lining will get caught in the zipper. Any thoughts here?
The Bill Kelso Jackets look great, the Lamb hide looks nice, there is a different pattern for 3 or 4 different versions of screen used jackets. I can't quite make up my mind on the version, but the Debora N small pocket version is not going to work. No leather zipper facings? Your input here is appreciated as far as patterns and other specs of this jacket - pro's and cons.
The Steele and Jones Cazadora 36 jackets confuse me a bit. They list 3 different styles of Raiders jacket. When I pressed them for more details they said that all 3 styles use the same patterns? For what it's worth, that does not line up with the Kelso description of their different versions. Can anyone elaborate here on the differences they notice on the different versions? Is it basically a different hide selection to create the proper look of the three different jackets? If you had the custom canvas trial jacket made, how did that work out? What do you think of having leather facings inside at the zipper on these models?
The lead times on Wested I assume will be the fastest? Kelso and S&J might take a bit longer? If you have had recent experience ordering please elaborate.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to share your knowledge here.
Cheers! Indiana Jake