Today I would like to show you something special for me

Ever since I started making nylon whips, I wanted to make 12 plt, two bellied Indiana Jones bullwhip from nylon/poly cord. I searched for quite some time and finally I found a local manufacturer of various cords with decent prices. I contacted that company, specified my needs and here we are.
This is the whip I wanted to make since I got into hobby (13 years now):
- 10ft 12 plt Indy bullwhip
- tan coloured poly cord (12 mm cord, which stretches to 7 mm)
- two bellies (4 and 8 plt)
- slight binding at the transition
- lead loaded 8 inch nail as handle, with transition knot at the end of it.
- shot bag of 5,5 mm and 4,5 mm lead balls as a core
- heavy weight - around 970 grams
- white paracord fall and black nylon cracker
- 6 plt wrist loop (6 mm cord, which stretches to 4 mm)
I think that this cord allows for far better Indy whips than paracord. It is wider, so 12 plt and 90 degrees between strands is achievable. It is heavier too. The only disadvantage is 4 plt point. ... 00x600.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 0x1067.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 0x1067.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 0x1067.jpg" onclick=";return false;
What do you think?