Sweet, I'm going with AdVintage master piece.
Money is saved and I'll probably be ordering tomorrow, since I'll have a little wait.
And I'm going to drive him a little nutty.
Ok here it is, I have to say that all my hats have a turn, even my AdVintage ToD bridge scene I asked for a slight turn.
His SOC are awesome with the mushroom, but based on the pictures, the mushroom effect starts a little above the ribbon.
And that kinda distracts me, when we start bantering back and fourth, I'm going to give him KramStaar one sheet picture and ROTLA second release picture as reference but most importantly, if he does the mushroom effect, it has to start right at the ribbon.
But the other side (the left side Twix) wants a Idol grab with no turn, or a slight turn. this will be the part that's drive me nutty.
I literally could order 2-3 hats, I want a Raiders in a different color, tanish.