The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

Take a look, upper right panel:" onclick=";return false;

Same type collar:" onclick=";return false; least through the mid-portion of the sequence.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by backstagejack »

Texan Scott wrote:Take a look, upper right panel:" onclick=";return false;

Same type collar:" onclick=";return false; least through the mid-portion of the sequence.

Great screen grab of Ford's face in that second one hahaha
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

....I should'a went back there at the well of souls. :P
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by IJJTM »

I don’t really get what you’re trying to say with the pictures? How is the truck chase the hero? :-k
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

Some have said that there was a different jacket used for the truck chase, but the main hero jacket was used for at least half the sequence, as the stills indicate. .
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by IJJTM »

Could you share some main hero jacket stills?
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

The main hero jacket (Cairo, Tanis digs, Tunisia) was characterized by striations on the upper right panel of the jacket, shape of the collar, etc." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Indiego Jones »

It was mentioned when we introduced the TRUCK HERO style." onclick=";return false;

Right in the sequence when Indy gets shot, the MAIN HERO changes to the TRUCK HERO.

Nice screencaps!
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

After the Terry Leonard truck drag and the scene transitions back to Ford, it is unclear if the main hero is used again, due to blurry action stills, the jacket wrinkling on certain panels, etc.

After this sequence, the main hero is not used again and we transition to the dock, which was filmed at La Rochelle France, some of the first scenes filmed around England.

Anyway, if you have the main hero then you have the truck jacket also. It actually had more screen time than the other.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by IJJTM »

Ahh, I see what you mean now. :TOH:
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by The Character »

Nice catch .. especially the first image .. the second doesn’t seem to show as much. Diego has said that was the case and mentioned the swap when Indy gets shot onwards … Ah The joys of HD …

I also noticed (i may weeeeeell be behind the curve on this one) that in the Chachapoyan Temple Studio shots the striations are also very visible now in several shots on the front panel. ….
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by xmasters »

The truck jacket that we know of doesn't have the same ribby striations on the upper right panel like the hero does.It's possible the Truck jacket made some other appearances before the truck scene in some unaccounted for jacket moments.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Thee »

xmasters wrote:The truck jacket that we know of doesn't have the same ribby striations on the upper right panel like the hero does.It's possible the Truck jacket made some other appearances before the truck scene in some unaccounted for jacket moments.
I am certain the truck jacket is the imam jacket. I will make a thread regarding it soon.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Indiego Jones »

Thee wrote: I am certain the truck jacket is the imam jacket. I will make a thread regarding it soon.
We had confirmation from Brandon Alinger(Propstore), who have the TRUCK HERO jacket in possession, that it isn't the same jacket as the IMAM'S HOUSE scene.
That's a different jacket.
The why or how of this confirmation was not revealed to us.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Indiana Croft »

Oh great, now Diego is going to make another jacket. Imams house scene. :rolling:

Sorry I couldn’t resist.
Got my jacket back for a snap fix and have been wearing ever since.

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

If you think through what might have happened, there was a main hero that Ford wore in most of the scenes. A different jacket or jackets were used for the destructive work and stunt work, such as a bullet hole in the upper sleeve, the truck drag, etc.

They would have kept or reserved one-the main hero for the major sequences/screen time. Some dust or distressing, but not destructive.

Based on stills, it appears as though the main hero was at least, mostly used for filming the set pieces at Elstree studios: Idol, Raven, Well of Souls, and it may or may not have been used in the Imam. Difficult to see from stills but the texture of the leather on the jacket is very similar to the main hero. For consistency/continuity's sake, I believe that the main hero was earmarked early on, during filming. It appears on screen and used as the main hero during the set pieces at Elstree and in Tunisia.

The lingering question is: if there was another jacket used for Imam, then why would it have been? Of course, mistakes happen, but there certainly was no good reason to switch jackets, because this was an in house, non-destructive type scene. For continuity's sake, there may have been an assistant on set who was in charge of holding onto the main hero when it wasn't being used-or it could have been tagged. If there was a different jacket used, it defies continuity-as no good reason to change jackets, and as you can see from stills, the main hero was used in the various set piece scenes filmed at Elstree.

Is the main hero with striations in the archives?
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

In fact, it appears as though you can see a striation on the upper panel near the shoulder, and a partial one just under it:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

...continuity between set pieces filmed at Elstree studios.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Thee »

Take a look at the comparison shots here between the truck jacket and the imam jacket." onclick=";return false;
Look at how the zipper bends and how the left collar lies flat while the right collar goes directly down flush with the collar stand.
Look at the grain on the left collar circled in green. There are other resemblances but these are the main ones that stand out. I also suspect that the imam/truck jacket was used in the temple run from the boulder scene.
Texan Scott wrote:In fact, it appears as though you can see a striation on the upper panel near the shoulder, and a partial one just under it:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

...continuity between set pieces filmed at Elstree studios.
I noticed the grain on the right chest panel too but the imam jacket is definitely not the main hero. The zipper bends and way the collar presents are completely different on the main hero as well as there being much more grain on the right chest panel. You can actually see some subtle ribbyness on the right chest panel from the truck jacket photo that Brandon released which is in the exact same location as the grain u pointed out." onclick=";return false;
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Texan Scott »

The main hero left side collar also laid flat, but is difficult to see the interior details:" onclick=";return false;

Continuity wise, there would have been no reason to use another jacket, for just one scene and then they switched back to the main hero? Also, the right panel can be seen in the Imam.

After these set pieces at Elstree, they packed up and flew to Tunisia, and they still kept with the main hero. If anything was to get lost in the shuffle, certainly it would have been there.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by WConly »

backstagejack wrote:
Texan Scott wrote:Take a look, upper right panel:" onclick=";return false;

Same type collar:" onclick=";return false; least through the mid-portion of the sequence.

Great screen grab of Ford's face in that second one hahaha
:rolling: Yeah....kinda looks like a really angry chimp at the zoo or my mom (I love you-really) when I got a bad grade :Plymouth: ! W>
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by CM »

Texan Scott wrote:The main hero left side collar also laid flat, but is difficult to see the interior details:" onclick=";return false;

Continuity wise, there would have been no reason to use another jacket, for just one scene and then they switched back to the main hero? Also, the right panel can be seen in the Imam.

After these set pieces at Elstree, they packed up and flew to Tunisia, and they still kept with the main hero. If anything was to get lost in the shuffle, certainly it would have been there.
Interesting pick up. Perhaps the jacket was getting repaired at some point and therefore not used - anything could explain the change.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by xmasters »

The Imam jacket is not the hero jacket and the hero jacket is not the truck bullet hole jacket, they just don't look the same and the striations are not the same. The Imam jacket bares a resemblance to the Hawaii jacket in some respects, but they are not the same either, A case could be made that the Truck jacket is the Imam jacket, but we've been told it isn't by Brandon. The shape and configuration of the collar and storm flap certainly match the Imam jacket as does the grainyness of the collar itself. However I'm not 100% certain the shape of the pocket flaps are a match, but again we've been told it isn't the same jacket anyway. Ithink there may be a few cutaway shots during the Hovitos Temple escape scenes where we might see the Imam jacket. The Sapito's dead body moment.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Indiana Croft »

Don't forget the jackets were made similar to each other by Peter.
Just different sections had different hide, and probably a different
seamstress as well, this could be why there's slight difference between jackets.

And as it's been stated by Knower of things, these were made for the movie, once and done.
Don't think they realized what a ride they were to create for us nut cases.
But it's a fun rabbit hole, i have a blast.

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by Tibor »

… not just us nut cases, but everyone. Raiders was generally responsible for the resurgence of leather jackets. Even Camel cigarettes was selling jackets and adventure gear as a result to cash in on the adventurer image. Remember this guy?…

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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by davidd »


Ha! Yes, I do remember those ads! I remember them as being the only advertisements that actually tempted me to take up smoking. If I recall correctly, I went so far as to purchase a pack of Camels. Never opened it, though, and never took up smoking. I figured I ought to learn to fly a seaplane first... and that never happened.
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Re: The truck jacket WAS the main hero....

Post by CM »

Yep, I remember those Camel ads very well. I did smoke Camels for a while. Here in Australia quite a few stores sold distressed A2 style jackets for at least 5 years following Raiders and Temple. Then suddenly they were gone and everyone got into Brando style black motorbike jackets. The public is fickle. It's interesting how many people thought the Raiders jacket was an A2 back in the early 1980's. I guess it is similar but without knits - details you didn't readily pick up clearly in the pre-internet fan site days.
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