Not fedoras, but I have a couple of western weight cowboy beavers, and I use them hiking and otherwise when I know I'll be stuck outdoors in bad weather for long periods. Surprised at how much they can take.
Wouldn't take a chance on a dress fedora though. Don't get me wrong, I wear my nice dress hats around the city and travel in general regardless of weather (within reason), but I like to think of them as "dress" hats for a reason

. That, and the beaver hats I have are just too expensive for me to want to chance it, when a well made western hat is made for that very reason.
With that said, I practically lived in my gray AB fedora for a decade, wearing it religiously in a mountain town I visited almost every other month. It was my apres-ski fedora, and whatever Steve did to it, it never tapered or warped, despite many snowstorms and forest hikes. Not to my eyes at least.