Christy’s Hats bold claim

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Christy’s Hats bold claim

Post by thecoolmiester »

On their website they market the story of how their hat was the one Harrison Ford wore when we know it was Herbert Johnson.
How again are they related and able to make these claims and call their adventurer the poet?

I ordered one in grey since the last christy adventurer I ordered was back in 2010 and I’m curious if their hat is better quality now since Herbert Johnson also has since stepped up their game.

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Re: Christy’s Hats bold claim

Post by captblitzdawg »

On the excellent write-up on the fedora on the gear page, it says Todd's Costumes offered the option for people to put the Herbert Johnson label into their hats, and that it used the white Herbert Johnson liners. I am probably wrong on this, but I thought the hats sold through Todd's were called Christy's. If that is the case, then I guess that would be the connection?
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Re: Christy’s Hats bold claim

Post by backstagejack »

I'm sure I only remember half the details but I thought for years the HJ hats were made in the same factory and (maybe) felt as the Christy's. Thus Christy's could say Poet, etc. :-k

But maybe I'm half right or half wrong on that. I know there's many on this site with better info.

Now as far as Ford walking in and using one of their hats........ I've heard that before but *shrug* ........I'd think if that was true it would be a well known fact and on the main gear page... but could just be one of those myths from forever ago that we'll never know the truth.
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Re: Christy’s Hats bold claim

Post by Texan Scott »

The best point of a Christy is the color. If I had one, I'd probably gut it, reblock it and replace the sweatband. The Fed was the most comfortable band that I had.
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Re: Christy’s Hats bold claim

Post by Ridgerunner58 »

captblitzdawg wrote:On the excellent write-up on the fedora on the gear page, it says Todd's Costumes offered the option for people to put the Herbert Johnson label into their hats, and that it used the white Herbert Johnson liners. I am probably wrong on this, but I thought the hats sold through Todd's were called Christy's. If that is the case, then I guess that would be the connection?
You’re correct. I still have, for reasons I can’t explain, a Todd’s Herbert Johnson. It has a white HJ liner and HJ sweatband but it shrank and tapered to 60% of its original size. I had Penman take a look at it and he thought a reblock attempt would fail and destroy it.
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Re: Christy’s Hats bold claim

Post by jlee562 »

Christy's is the major UK hat manufacturer and AFAIK they supply both Lock and Bates.

The modern HJ hats prior to the reboots were indeed Christy's hats. If Christy's were the supplier for HJ at the time of the film, it is not noted by HJ on their Poet journal entry: ... -hero-poet" onclick=";return false;

As far as the name, per the above link:
Although it became a signature model for Herbert Johnson it was never actually patented and was certainly not exclusive. The crown shape is actually widely used by hatters and is a common classic shape known and used throughout the industry. Herbert Johnson merely gave it a unique style name as the brand used the shape so frequently.
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