Since (apparently) Han Solo is history, I was thinking it was time Indy might carry a Broomhandle Mauser. Previous posts mention that Indy would probably carry a revolver as more reliable- which makes a lot of sense, but although the illusion of reality is important, hey, this is Indy. Han Solo in his last outing wore a nice leather jacket. Maybe Indy could reciprocate and carry the Mauser. I know it is in the final analysis it is a bit cool looking, but is also a big ugly gun- you know, kind of like the Webley.
Somewhat off topic, I am a bit worried about Indy 5. We have always waited for "The Big Three" to get together for a new film. Well, now the Big Three is just the Big Ford. A new "creator" and new director have a very good chance of mucking things up- like giving Indy a Broomhandle Mauser.
Obviously I am not sold on this idea, but in some ways it would be an homage to, uh himself (?)