So long story short, my mother's dad flew in WWII for the Airforce, flying P-51 D Mustangs as an escort for bombers. He died in the '80s, but we iinherited his aviator jacket from the war. Sadly, it's torn up and practically unwearable (not to mention, historical value prohibits this). However, I thought for Christmas this year it might be nice if all us kids chipped in and bought an authentic replica of the jacket for my mom! BUT, there's an issue...
I've looked at Wested, U.S. Wings, and other sites, but none offer an option for a red canvas name badge that is commonly found on those jackets on the front right breast. It's important that we get this jacket right, so if no name badge, we may as well just buy any other jacket and call it a day

Out of all the candidates, U.S. Wings seems to be the best, but again, no name badge. Any ideas?