Federation IV Deluxe color question.

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Federation IV Deluxe color question.

Post by Nobody »

Hi all, I haven’t been on here for a while. I’m thinking about picking up a new fedora. I was wondering if anyone has received a Federation IV Deluxe recently and if the color of the Deluxe is still lighter/reddish than the standard Fed IV?
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Re: Federation IV Deluxe color question.

Post by Illinois_Jones »

I wouldn't say it's lighter or reddish but it's different. And it's not so much the color as the texture of the color, if that makes sense. My Imperial felt is almost marbled in a way when you look at it closely whereas my Heritage is a flatter more muted appearance. My Standard does seem to "pop" more than my Deluxe and I think it may be more the felt than the dye -- my brown Standard Fed is the roughest felt hat I own and maybe the fibers scatter or reflect light differently. But the actual pigment *appears* to be the same in the batches the last few years.

And to be honest, I notice the same sort of thing with the moonstone as well.
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Re: Federation IV Deluxe color question.

Post by Nobody »

Thank you
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