I told him that I loved the boots, but because of the work I do, and the slipperiness of the soles, I couldn't really use them as an everyday work boot. He recommended that I keep the Alden heel, because he didn't think that they were a culprit in the slipping problem, but the smooth front part of the sole had to go. I am an Indy

He recommended one of the Vibram Industrial grade soles to me,model number #430
and after checking them out, I agreed they were the best choice for my situation.
Anyway, the grand total of the work done, including parts and labor, was
a whopping $25 bucks!! Amazing.
So take a look at the pics, and tell me what you think.
BTW, first time posting pics, so I hope this works
I field tested them today, and now they are a great casual boot AND great work boot. Climbed up and down ladders all daylong, walking across a shingled roof, and absolutely no slippage.
I don't want to sing all praises yet, since it has only been one day of field testing, but I have a feeling I won't have any problems.