Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I've been putting it off for a long time, but my last remaining Federation 3 has reached the point that I can't wear it anymore. It needs a full refurb (reblock, sweat, liner), and I would like to get the block and brim shape as close as possible to the original Fed 3 design. Yes, I know, I could just get a Fed 4, but I happen to prefer the old 3.

I asked Hat Direct if they could do it, or point me the right way, but no luck. There are a few who won't work on them, I know.

So, I turn to the community. Which hatter do you all think would be the best for the job?
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Indiana Jeff »

David Garrison reblocked a few hats for me "back in the day." According to his facebook page, back in April he announced he wants to get back into hat making again so I'd give him a shout.


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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Ken »

If you are ok sending it out of the country I was pretty happy with the results adVintage delivered on my beat up AB:" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Illinois_Jones »

I know a lot of the usual hatters won't work on Feds anymore for a variety of reasons. But there's a shop on Etsy called something like AdventurerExplorer where they take new Akubra Adventurers from David Morgan and reblock them and swap the ribbon and do a custom bash for customers. I've seen one in person that a friend got a few months ago and it looked pretty good. Maybe send him a message and see what he can do.
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Howard Weinstein »

Might it not be more cost-effective to retire this well-loved but well-worn Fed 3 and step up to something like an AdVintage Harrison rabbit, which is probably a better and more accurate Indy hat?
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I took at look at that Etsy vendor. Decent looking outcome to the reblocks he's offering.

I thought the description of why he uses the Akubra Adventurer was interesting (bolding is mine).
For those who may not be comfortable or familiar with styling the Raiders fedora blocking into their own Akubra Adventurer, the Explorer arrives pre-styled in the Raiders fedora hat specs from brim to crown, (including a darker brown ribbon) and is specifically intended for those fans who want the sharp-looking angles of the Raiders fedora (as it appears in the film) without the cartoonish exaggerations that tend to be popular with many custom-made indy hat interpretations.
Why re-invent the wheel? Half the battle to a good Raiders fedora is finding one with a good open crown; on the right block; at the right height; with enough brim, to start with, in order to do the Raiders fedora correctly. The Akubra Adventurer has that.

Designed outside of fansite speculation and influence, the Adventurer comes with a generous brim that isn't too narrow and uncannily hits every mark with an inherent Raiders vibe when the creases are put into it and slightly taken down to the Raiders brim specs.
Seems like a direct swipe at the Fed 4.


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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by backstagejack »

Howard Weinstein wrote:Might it not be more cost-effective to retire this well-loved but well-worn Fed 3.......

That's what I was thinking. After shipping, cost of reblock, etc you could buy a new Fed 4.

Or go a little hirer to get something better.
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Illinois_Jones »

Indiana Jeff wrote:I took at look at that Etsy vendor. Decent looking outcome to the reblocks he's offering.

I thought the description of why he uses the Akubra Adventurer was interesting (bolding is mine).
For those who may not be comfortable or familiar with styling the Raiders fedora blocking into their own Akubra Adventurer, the Explorer arrives pre-styled in the Raiders fedora hat specs from brim to crown, (including a darker brown ribbon) and is specifically intended for those fans who want the sharp-looking angles of the Raiders fedora (as it appears in the film) without the cartoonish exaggerations that tend to be popular with many custom-made indy hat interpretations.
Why re-invent the wheel? Half the battle to a good Raiders fedora is finding one with a good open crown; on the right block; at the right height; with enough brim, to start with, in order to do the Raiders fedora correctly. The Akubra Adventurer has that.

Designed outside of fansite speculation and influence, the Adventurer comes with a generous brim that isn't too narrow and uncannily hits every mark with an inherent Raiders vibe when the creases are put into it and slightly taken down to the Raiders brim specs.
Seems like a direct swipe at the Fed 4.


Indiana Jeff
Yeah it's a direct swipe at the Fed, at least in part. But considering it's a Fed III he might be more interested given the wider brim etc. But considering they're willing and ready to reblock Akubras, it might be worth asking.
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Yes, I am mainly interested in seeing if I can save my Fed 3. There aren't too many left in circulation. I will look up that Etsy vendor.

As far as getting a good Indy hat, I'm already very satisfied. I own 2 ABs and a Penman, and I don't feel like I need more Indy style hats. I'm just a hat guy, generally.

The Fed 4 is ok, but it never spoke to me. I've seen many in person. I have considered the Adventurer, but right now I'm not looking for a replacement. The Fed 3 has sound felt, and has served me well. I owe it my best effort.
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by backstagejack »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Yes, I am mainly interested in seeing if I can save my Fed 3. There aren't too many left in circulation. I will look up that Etsy vendor.

As far as getting a good Indy hat, I'm already very satisfied. I own 2 ABs and a Penman, and I don't feel like I need more Indy style hats. I'm just a hat guy, generally.

The Fed 4 is ok, but it never spoke to me. I've seen many in person. I have considered the Adventurer, but right now I'm not looking for a replacement. The Fed 3 has sound felt, and has served me well. I owe it my best effort.
I won't lie. When I responded to this thread I didn't pay attention to the original post. Knowing it's you, I figure you have a good reason. I definitely understand.

It's like when I send in my leatherman and they ask me if they can just send me a new one or I have an emotional attachment. They actually ask if I have an emotional attachment. I thought that was crazy until one of my jobs presented me with a custom one with my name on it. Now.... I have an emotional attachment.

I hope the etsy vendor works out. I'm sure you are well aware of the other experts out there that can help. :TOH:
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Re: Best Refurb Options for an old Akubra

Post by Howard Weinstein »

I've had a couple of Akubra Adventurers (the American version from David Morgan, not the Australian version sold by Aussie hat shops). While it's a nice hat and what you'd expect from an Akubra, I didn't think the standard open crown had that big, flattish, squared-off shape the Fed IV comes with (I've had 3 of those, as well) in order to yield the right Indy profile. The Adventurer open crown is much more domed.

I'd been frustrated by the Fed IV's slightly-too-narrow brim on the sides, and liked the fact that the Adventurer from David Morgan has a wider brim which can be trimmed to proper dimensions. But the crown shape presented an obstacle to getting the right Indy look overall.

I suppose with the right crown block, a competent hatter can reshape the crown to give it the correct broad-shouldered configuration. But I couldn't quite get there, even with the use of my Indy-ish #52 wooden crown block.
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