Which one looks the best?

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Which Jacket looks the best in the movies in your opinion(distressing, believability, etc..

Poll ended at Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:57 am

Temple of Doom
Last Crusade
Total votes: 57

Dr. Jones Jr.
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Which one looks the best?

Post by Dr. Jones Jr. »

Which Jacket looks the best in the movies, Raiders, Temple, or Last Crusade. In terms of distressing, believability, etc...?
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Post by Dr. Jones Jr. »

sorry, LC is supposed to be included also, fist poll! sorry if it looks all weird!
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Hit the edit button and add it in there.
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Post by Michaelson »

I got it in there for you. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Pyroxene »

LC is the best in my book.
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Post by skywlkr »

The Last Crusade jacket looks the best to me. Raiders is second, followed by Temple.

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Post by Cassidy »


'Nuff said. Nothing beats the original son.

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Post by Michaelson »

Got to admit, having the opportunity this past Sunday to watch all three movies, back to back on USA channel, the Raiders jacket looks the most naturally used and abused, while the other two, though decent looking in their distressing, looked more contrived in their wear patterns. I voted for the original. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Raiders. I mean, come on, he got dragged behind a truck while wearing it! And while hanging onto a "rope" too! :lol: :lol:
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

Blasphemy? Maybe - but for me, it's ToD all the way! I like the slightly longer jacket. The scene in the Tri-Motor, where Indy has changed from tux to gear, may have a tapered-to-kingdom-come fedora, but the jacket is great... pure adventure...

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Post by Captain D »

I think that the "Last Crusade" looks the best in my opinion. I like the seams how how they were highlighted to help bring the qualities of the jacket out....and....how at the end of the movie, not only are the seams highlighted, but the entire jacket is also dirty.
But, I think in real life, I would vote for the "Raiders" jacket. For the "Crusade" jacket, yea the seams look good being highlighted n' all, but why are the seams the only place on the jacket that are highlighted light-brown after all the bumps and bruises the entire jacket took...?

just my .02....
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Post by Cassidy »

C'mon - I love TOD as much as the next guy but he wears the jacket for, like, 15 minutes!

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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

Cassidy wrote:
C'mon - I love TOD as much as the next guy but he wears the jacket for, like, 15 minutes!
Yeah... but during those 15 minutes, that jacket rocks! :wink:

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Post by Mulceber »

But then, Raiders is a more serious film than the other two.
Raiders is more serious than TOD?! TOD is the one where they "...feed you snakes before ripping your heart out and lowering you into the hot pits..." Raiders is the one where "they're making it up as they go". Anyways, I voted for Raiders as best Jacket. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Neolithic »

I agree with Michaelson- the wearing on the others appear a little contrived- it's a close call though. To me the Raiders version looks the most authentic.
The ToD jacket seems to bunch around Indy's arms a lot- not sure if I dig that look too much. The LC jacket almost looks like it has piping because of the wearing in some shots.

Though I love em all really. :roll:
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Post by Trevelyan »

As much as I love TofD gear, I picked Raiders. I can spot the non-westeds in a few scenes and that bugs me. I also agree with Cassidy in that Indy barely wears the Jacket in Temple. It's all about the awesome torn-up shirt. I also thought that the Crusade jacket was distressed strangely, with the seams being so light. Even though I love them all, the Raiders jacket is just classic.
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Post by Captain D »

Just outta curiosity....which are the scenes that are the "non-Westeds" in Temple of Doom?

Capt. D
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Post by Harry Steele »

Raiders. As Michaelson wrote, the Raider's jacket looks the most natural. TOD? Blinked and missed it. :P LC -- looks like a pocket knife was used on it -- IMHO.

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Post by Trevelyan »

Captain D wrote:Just outta curiosity....which are the scenes that are the "non-Westeds" in Temple of Doom?
If you look really closely during the Tri-motor scene, and the elephant scene, the jacket looks different. I claim to see elastic marks on the bottom of the jacket like you see in cheap leather bombers, but other people have disagreed with me. Of course, my Wested's a TofD, so I obviously like the general idea for the jacket :wink:
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Post by Swindiana »

I have to agree with Scandy there. I really like the look of the ToD one. I mean, they are all beautiful jackets but if I have to pick one it would be the Temple version. I really like the look of it when he rides the elephant in terms of distressing, almost a rusty colour to it. I guess it might have to do a bit with whichever movie you saw first. Temple of Doom set the look for me. ;)

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Post by VP »

Hey, I saw ToD first too. And then LC. But I still like the Raiders version most.
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Post by Cassidy »

When I say that Raiders is a more serious film I guess it's hard to explain what I mean.
If I may take a stab at this one? If I feel the same way about 'Raiders' as you do LP, it's that in the first film the actors sold the film rather convincingly. You believed their actions because they did. There was not a trace of irony in 'Raiders' that existed in 'TOD' and 'LC.'

There was no winking at the audience to say, "Aren't we clever, we made a self referential joke." The characters were all played straight up with the utmost honesty, without comic relief fom the likes of a Short Round or a Marcus. And don't get me started on what Boam did with Marcus' character in 'LC!'

The characters in 'Raiders' lived and breathed, while in 'TOD' and 'LC' they seemed rather to be approximations of themselves, almost a characterization of a character, if that makes sense.

In short, I think 'Raiders' comes across as more serious not in terms of humour, but in terms of the filmmakers taking risks and treating the audience with respect. In 'TOD' and 'LC' all we got were slapstick and ironic comments on characters, not real people. Does any of this make sense?

Oh yeah, I still like the 'Raiders' jacket.

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Post by antiquity collector »

I've got to go with Raiders (Especially the airplane fight sequence). Would you rather have the original or a recreation of the original. Or a recreation of a recreation of an original. Everything about the 1st film was more realistic in tone and more believable. The last 2 films (and I love both of them as well) are more superficial and forced.

One reason: Lawrence Kasdan

Just look at what he did for "Empire". More character development than the other 2 films combined. He understood natural dialogue, humor and emotion. It's a shame he was unavailable for any of the following sequels in both trilogies.

They both became "insert joke here" scripts. Rather than having the humor stem from natural occurences and nuances.

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Post by Cassidy »

This thread has now been officially hijacked. Sorry.

Just to add one more thing though:
He understood natural dialogue, humor and emotion. It's a shame he was unavailable for any of the following sequels in both trilogies.
Lawrence Kasdan wrote the script for 'Return of the Jedi,' and was given the task of re-writing 'Empire' only after the original screenwriter, Leigh Brackett passed away due to cancer.

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Post by Indydawg »

Just to show everyone that the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, here's my .01 cent worth (yeah, I'm down to only ONE)....

Michaelson et. al are correct....the Raiders jacket DOES appear more "natural" in its distressing....BUT, the poll does leave room for more than the distressed nature of the jacket to be considered.

I, personally, liked the fit, collar shape and grainy appearance throughout the movie, the side strap construction and action pleat design, AND general overall fit and appearance of the jacket from Last Crusade better. I think it was a better "conceived" jacket-like they took more time in thinking about how to make it a better "wearing" jacket.

So....anyway. Like I said. My .01 worth.
Later y'all!
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Post by Michaelson »

Did anybody catch the name of that last poster? I thought he was dead! :shock: :wink: Glad to see I was mis-informed, Dawg! High regards. Michaelson
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"I'm like a bad coin....

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I always turn up"!

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Post by Indiana Joe »

antiquity collector wrote:I've got to go with Raiders (Especially the airplane fight sequence). Would you rather have the original or a recreation of the original. Or a recreation of a recreation of an original. Everything about the 1st film was more realistic in tone and more believable. The last 2 films (and I love both of them as well) are more superficial and forced.

One reason: Lawrence Kasdan

Just look at what he did for "Empire". More character development than the other 2 films combined. He understood natural dialogue, humor and emotion. It's a shame he was unavailable for any of the following sequels in both trilogies.

They both became "insert joke here" scripts. Rather than having the humor stem from natural occurences and nuances.

Cassidy wrote:......And don't get me started on what Boam did with Marcus' character in 'LC!'

The characters in 'Raiders' lived and breathed, while in 'TOD' and 'LC' they seemed rather to be approximations of themselves, almost a characterization of a character, if that makes sense.

In short, I think 'Raiders' comes across as more serious not in terms of humour, but in terms of the filmmakers taking risks and treating the audience with respect. In 'TOD' and 'LC' all we got were slapstick and ironic comments on characters, not real people...
I truly hope Indy IV gets back to its Raiders roots.


p.s. -- oh yeah, Raiders jacket all the way!
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