Really curious on the magnoli white label jacket (yes I'm on a budget huhu).
It looks really great and comes pre distressed already which is something I'm looking for.
To those who own some, could I see how it looks and how it has aged?
I want to know how it looks like besides their web site pictures. Aiming for the LC version.
With such a beautiful jacket, it’s hard to believe that there are only a handful of posts on the Magnoli White Label Adventure jacket.
I’ve been lurking CoW a lot lately.
As I have gotten older, and gaining a few extra pounds (now on deployment in Japan) I have noticed i may not fit my Nowak Raiders The way I did when I first got it in 2009.
After looking at all the jackets out there, I think I want an Indiana Jones jacket that is my every day jacket. I don’t have to have screen accurate anymore (I know I’m crazy too) bUt more of a modern fitting jacket.
And with Tony consistently producing top quality products, I feel it’s only fitting to get a Magnoli Adventure jacket.
The White label fits my needs and budget.
My next (And last) duty station will be Washington State where I can wear a jacket more often than I did in Southern California. Retirement is just a glimmer away! Sorry, getting off topic...
Sooooo who else has them? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also pictures too!
Thank you in advance