Over 8 year old US Wings jacket

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Over 8 year old US Wings jacket

Post by WhipDude »

Hey all,

Been a long long time since I posted and I keep telling myself that I would share this one day.

In 2011, I bought a US Wings Indy jacket. It was their "Legend" model, imported, antique cowhide. I bought it because I wasn't happy with my Wested jacket that I had purchased which wasn't Wested's fault to begin with as I made some mistakes.

When my USW jacket arrived, it was already much closer to what I wanted. Here I am a little over 8 years later and I've never wanted any other Indy jacket. I wear it every year when the weather permits. I subscribed to the Michaelson :M: school of thought regarding distressing from day 1. The jacket has taken on a nice color and distressing all from regular wear and I'm really happy with it. The liner has held up very well and I expect it to continue for more years to come. I thought I'd share pictures of a jacket that has gone through this process. The lighting doesn't do it full justice as the pictures were taken indoors. Maybe when the weather is better and it's daylight outside, I can take some more pictures. (I think I the way I shared this pictures is allowed by forum rules?)

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Re: Over 8 year old US Wings jacket

Post by whipcracker »

That is a beautiful jacket! I wish I would have bought one when they still had them. They really should bring back the Legend series.
Thank you for posting those pics! It is always good to see jackets... :clap: :clap:
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Re: Over 8 year old US Wings jacket

Post by xmasters »

Naturally aged to perfection. If you've got 8 years to spare, that's the way to go.
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Re: Over 8 year old US Wings jacket

Post by Michaelson »

That is a thing of beauty! WELL done! :clap:

High regards! Michaelson :M:
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