Original Akubra Pastoralist bash

Pastoralist with reshaped crown

Wearing the original Pastoralist

Wearing the "Indy-style" Pastoralist
Obviously, were I to go "full-Indy" with this hat, I would need to unbind the brim edge and have a ribbon added. I'm not sure I want to go to such lengths.
To my eye, the crown shape is still not "square" or "blocky" enough for a true Indy-style hat, and perhaps not quite tall enough. There's a bit of a taper to the sides. The brim has a nice swoop to it, though, and the overall effect is of rakish adventure.
My question now is, do I leave the hat in quasi-Indy form, or try to restore it to the less commonly seen Pastoralist "telescope" bash?