Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Travelsonic »

Do I keep the ribbon, and everything as is, or should I go and get the ribbon replaced (by someone with the proper know-how, of course) with the 39mm ribbon that is used on Indy's hats?

I got the hat a number of months ago, and I've been wearing it everywhere, beautiful grey Poet from somewhere at or before 1971 from the 38 New Bond Street address on the liner.

I feel like, even without "the turn," and even with a narrower brim than that on Indy's hat (I think, at least), getting a 39mm ribbon "installed" would lend itself to making this look like a fantastic Raiders Clipper fedora (with the required bash changes, of course).

OTOH, the hat is a fantastic as is, and I really enjoy it.

What to do... what to do.... ~_~
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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Indiana Jeff »

If you have a hat of that vintage that doesn't need work and you already love wearing, don't touch a thing!

If at some point the hat needs work, you can always replace the ribbon then.


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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Kentucky Blues »

I agree with Indiana Jeff, don’t change it if you love it. Vintage hats that are in good enough shape to love without needing work can be hard to come by. Also, any pictures?

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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Travelsonic »

Kentucky Blues wrote:I agree with Indiana Jeff, don’t change it if you love it. Vintage hats that are in good enough shape to love without needing work can be hard to come by. Also, any pictures?

-KB :)
I'll get some up a bit later, got loads of stuff to do today (even for a Saturday) - namely trying to get a YouTube channel I started where I track my progress getting into shape to play rugby out of hiatus / get back to work on some long overdue videos for that, but I'll write myself a reminder to get pics of the hat up as soon as possible.

I think I'll take Indiana Jeff's advice - keep it as is, and MAYBE consider doing a change IF the hat ever needs any other work done.
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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Leave it alone! Sounds like a great hat as is. This reminded me of the vintage HJ I picked up a while ago. Still have it, still wear it. I found the thread. From 9 years ago!! Egads. Photo links still work, but photobucket is ad-filled garbage right now.

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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

If it ain't broke.... You know the rest.
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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Indy Magnoli »

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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by darthjones2 »

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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by RiffRalf »

It's not Indy's hat. It's your hat. Leave it as it is! ;)
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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I disagree with the consensus. If changing it makes you happy, then by all means! If you think it makes it more Indy-esque to you, then do it! Sure, it's a nice historical item you're altering, but how is this any worse than folks cutting up much older MKVII straps to replace them with leather straps all in the name of making them more Indy-esque?

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Re: Picked up a vintage HJ Poet, a dilemma...

Post by Indiana Jack! »

The ribbon per Herbert Johnson of London states that the Ribbon: Original 1½ inch dark brown galloon ribbon-band with screen accurate Raiders bow style.

It's really up to you as to what you want to do. If you are not happy with it then do what makes you happy. Hopefully you will enjoy the outcome and it will look outstanding! :)

This is the one on my Raider's Beaver Poet from Herbert Johnson.
This is the one on my Raider's Beaver Poet from Herbert Johnson.
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