Where to crack?

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Where to crack?

Post by WetDigger »

I just pulled the trigger and placed an order with MidWest Whips for an 8ft Kangaroo "Modern Indy"! Despite growing up with an uncle who was big in the rodeo circuit for a time I never had the opportunity to learn how to crack a whip. This is my foot in the door to something I have wanted to learn for a long time now. Needless to say I am super excited about this whip!

Nowadays my work has me travelling 99% of the time, and whip cracking appeals to me as a hobby because of the minimal equipment that I have to pack along to practice. My question(s) for you guys is: When staying away from home, where would be an appropriate location to seek out to get cracking? After a day out in the field I am not wanting to pull out the whip and start making a scene in front of the hotel with the peanut gallery as an audience. Nor do I want to upset or disturb the locals. Do you guys have a typical list of venues you look for?
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by IndianaJustin »

Congrats on the whip. I bought a modern Indy custom from Paul last year and I couldn’t be more pleased.
As for cracking on the road that may be a hard one. When on the road I find a park or empty field of some kind. Depending on the area I also crack softly.
Enjoy it when it comes.

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Re: Where to crack?

Post by WetDigger »

Wasn't it Theodore Roosevelt who said "Crack softly but carry a big whip"? :[

I didn't even know one could "crack softly"... But hey, that is why I am here. To learn!
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by IndianaJustin »

Sure, effort=noise. Go for a pop instead of Thunder clap. Work on technique 1st, the sound will come.
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by backstagejack »

Yeah a park is usually a good bet, definitely a find a nice grassy area. I'd stay away from people as much as possible. Kids could get scared, dogs might run into your way, you never know.

Also, when traveling, I'd check the local laws. Whips aren't generally considered weapons but I have heard of people having the cops called on them before when whipping out in public. You never know what weirdness people can concoct. People may mistake the sound for a gun, might state that you're trying to hit people, etc, etc.
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by Jeremiah »

They use bullwhips in rodeos? huh. never saw one used in the ones I went to.
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by WetDigger »

It was part of a "Florida Cracker" heritage demonstration he used to do. When I knew him he was also a cattle rancher, and always had various whips in his house and truck. I was always "too little to mess with that" whenever I inquired if he could teach me. :(

Its a shame because all I have now is you tube and self determination.
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by Jeremiah »

Ok. That would have been cool.
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Local Parks are good, if you can find an out of the way spot. A quick call to the nearest police department can give you the answers you need about laws governing whips and noise. If you want to enjoy the puzzled reactions more, go in person. :lol:
The park I live near is actually very close to the police station, and when I crack, I inevitably have a cruiser roll by to check what's going on. They don't even ask any questions as soon as they know what the noise is about.
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by WetDigger »

I guess there could be worse ways to get acquainted with police departments around the globe! :lol:
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Re: Where to crack?

Post by chenricy »

yeah honestly the only thing you have to worry about is someone thinking the sound is a gun going off. If no one is in earshot then you don't have to worry.

I prefer dry grass for the whip; wet is no good for leather, sand or dirt can get in between the strands and cause damage and pavement might be like dragging sandpaper on your whip. Dry grassy public spot not close to anyone should do the trick. :whip:
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