Distressing a KOTCS backpack?

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Distressing a KOTCS backpack?

Post by giantthugee86 »

Anyone have any ideas?
Indiana Croft
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Re: Distressing a KOTCS backpack?

Post by Indiana Croft »

I’m going to chime in here as I tried this once.

My first comment will be: don’t.

My first KOTCS back pack, I used the method I read about distressing the MKVII Indy bag.’
I used Ajax, bleach and lots of water mixed in.
In a word it came out terrible.
I had to use RITT dye in green, brown and all others I can’t remember to even try to bring it back to something I’d sling over my back.

But after awhile I sold on EvilBay, I was to embarrassed to even offer it here.

I found one through COW that was aged naturally and that’s how it’ll stay. Natural wear and tear and it’s perfect.

But if your bent on distressing it, I try very fine sand paper sparingly, to suit the look your looking for.

But don’t do anything that has bleach in it.
My two and half cents.

Croft :mrgreen:
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