I do not wish to touch off another kerfuffle-- just want to add my own thoughts on the original question. Everyone has their opinion on this issue, to which they are entitled, but consensus among members here seems elusive. Some "interested parties" have their own agendas, others are prejudiced for or against one hatter or another. Cognitive dissonance takes over, and any attempt at reasonable discussion is drowned out by the noise.
As a result, what often happens on this forum appears to have happened yet again-- the truth, whatever it may be, has been fogged over by conflicting contentions and at times questionable motives, many people do not know who or what to believe, and the lack of a clear direction has landed us in the familiar waters of Cape Impasse, where no forward progress can be made. At times over the years, it has seemed to me that some members here prefer things that way, and I am far from the only person who has made that observation.
My own views expressed here have not changed, but I do believe the fog needs to be dispersed. For that to happen, someone in a position to know (obviously, HJ or Jack) should provide conclusive, authoritative answers, hopefully accompanied by some form of documentation. Will that put the matter to rest? Probably not, especially in this believe-whatever-you-want-and-call-everything-else-fake-news world we now live in. I won't hold my breath, but I do hold out hope.