FYI current update on Alden Trubalance heels: I ordered 2 pairs last month from Alden of SF ($16.00/pair), but now they only send the rubber heel bottoms, not the entire heel stack assembly, like they did previously. So, you only get the rubber bottom now, for the
same cost as the original complete boot heel, which was manufactured by Montello Heel Co. of Brockton, MA. And just to add insult to injury, the inside of the rubber heels are stamped with that universal mark of quality: Made in China. So our beloved Alden Shoes, fine custom bootmaker since 1884, now installs cheap Chinese heels on their proudly (and very expensive) American-made shoes.
I contacted both Alden and Montello concerning the issue, and learned that while Alden's heel stacks are still made by Montello, the actual rubber portion is supplied by a vendor in Florida which outsources their manufacturing to a company in the far east. Alden basically admitted that it is out of their hands. Montello, meanwhile, confirmed that while they still manufacture all heels for Alden, they only fabricate the heel stacks, and do not make the rubber bottoms. They will make stacks for private orders (minimum 50-pair run in a single size)
without the bottoms, for about $250. To obtain 100% genuine American-made Trubalance heels, you'd have to source and purchase the proper grade of sheet rubber, template the heel shape, cut them out & drill holes for attachment to the stack, then assemble the whole thing yourself.
I can't say whether the original Indy heel stacks had American-made rubber bottoms, since they were pre-assembled with only the embossed Montello Mfg. stamp visible on the top, or when Alden decided to cheap-out and just offer the imported rubber bottoms for the same price as the entire kit, but the situation is
very disappointing, to say the least.