Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

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Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

I initially ordered a WPG shirt, now to give you an idea, I'm 5'6/7 and usually wear medium size shirts. So I thought I couldn't go wrong with ordering a Small from WPG.
It arrived a few weeks later and promptly returned it (silly me forgot to take a photo) because the shoulders were way to oversized at about an inch either side (strange since this was their smallest offer). After having a look at other members who had bought a WPG here as well I can see that they had suffered from the same fate.

I was impressed with Magnoli's promo shot of their raiders shirt and the shoulders sat right to my eye, so I very recently had the custom raiders shirt made in 'stone' by Magnoli. It was a very pleasant process and the shirt arrived in just over a month's time.
What I did like is that the shoulders fit great and the sleeves started right at the shoulder bone so sat just right and didn't resemble the oversized shoulders I had previously experienced.
The colour however had a slight pinkish hue - I knew this from previous threads by Magnoli and other members themselves so this was not a big surprise but had to view it in person, the pinkish hue was more prevalent than a tan or stone coloured hue so I thought lets see what the KOSC colour looks like just to compare. I put my order for KOSC in 'light khaki'.
It arrived with another painless experience and my first reaction was - wow that's green, it reminded me of an old german military shirt I had. Even though I don't doubt it's SA authenticity it just didn't bring me closer to the colour. The fit however was shorter in length (I requested this) however the shirt flared out quite a bit (almost like bell bottoms) so I had a tailor straighten it out. As well as this I had about a 1/2 inch taken of the sides of both the stone raiders shirt and KOSC light khaki shirt for a more fitted look on both shirts.

I then decided to RIT DYE my 'stone' raiders shirt, I ended up using one small bag of RiT dye on it and as you can see it has come out a 'tea stained' colour. I much preferred the earlier colour. ;/ Sorry Magnoli.

As a professional photographer I thought I would document the shirts here so just everyone can see how they compare in colour. And in all fairness to all vendors the colour of the shirts are always (as many things) a highly debatable issue so I'm not here to throw stones at anyone, this is merely a depiction of my journey for your interest. All of us have a different understanding of is deemed to be SA.

The images were taken in 2 lighting conditions: 1) daylight adjusted flash power 2) indirect daylight through a window). I also did not colour correct these images and each set were taken on seperate occasions thus you will see the colour of the KOSC shirt remains consistent for comparison purposes.

Original Colours...

Natural Daylight - KOSC (light khaki) on left/ Raiders (stone) on right

Flashed - KOSC (light khaki) on left/ Raiders (stone) on right

Following below: with Rit dye remover on the 'stone' Raiders shirt, the KOSC 'light khaki' shirt remains untouched in colour.

Natural Daylight - Raiders (stone) on left / KOSC (light khaki) on right

Flashed - Raiders (stone) on left / KOSC (light khaki) on right

So I'm still on the hunt for a raiders shirt that resembles a colour similar to what I'm seeing here:


So far in my mind it could be an adventurebilt or a todd's? Any suggestions? Feel free to comment.

To add a meme to the latter image: "Don't worry it's just a colour!"
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Mulceber »

Hmm, a shame about the color. I have an earlier Magnoli in stone (I think) and it doesn't have that pink hue. That said, it's also made of wrinkle resistant fabric, so it doesn't wrinkle properly.

I don't think Todd's is the way forward either - they have a phenomenal cut, but the color is a little too dark a shade of tan. Maybe Azuma is the way to go?

Also, I'm not sure that picture is the most representative of the Raiders shirt, as the shirt in the picture is under intense sunlight. This is probably closer to how the shirt should look under normal conditions:

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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I'm surprised by the color descriptions of those Magnoli shirts. Mine did not have that. I actually find my stone shirt has a little bit of green undertone, and my khaki shirt looks great!

Anyhow, in my experience, the Raiders shirt is NOT as light as it looks in the shots where you can see it best. Usually, that was under a very strong sun, and probably lot of artificial lighting. I have a Noel Howard Raiders shirt which does not look the same. It's quite dark, but a photo taken in the bright summer sun changes it totally... and it looks right!

I know Todds shirts have varied in color a lot over the years, but I had one that was really close to the NH color.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Mark Raats »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:I'm surprised by the color descriptions of those Magnoli shirts. Mine did not have that. I actually find my stone shirt has a little bit of green undertone, and my khaki shirt looks great!

Anyhow, in my experience, the Raiders shirt is NOT as light as it looks in the shots where you can see it best. Usually, that was under a very strong sun, and probably lot of artificial lighting. I have a Noel Howard Raiders shirt which does not look the same. It's quite dark, but a photo taken in the bright summer sun changes it totally... and it looks right!

I know Todds shirts have varied in color a lot over the years, but I had one that was really close to the NH color.
This is true but also remember, the screen-used Raiders shirts are not all the same color - some are light and some are dark - so, to select a color from a specific scene is possibly the best compromise.

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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Mulceber »

I’d never heard that before - but it makes sense. Thanks for that bit of information. :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Mark Raats »

Mulceber wrote:I’d never heard that before - but it makes sense. Thanks for that bit of information. :TOH:
If you're interested, here's a post I made on another thread regarding the shirts. Although I show the TOD's in the picture, the same is said for both the Raiders shirts as well as those use in L.C:


Given that there is so much debate on the color of the shirts, I thought it might be of interest to let you guys know that there is no single color - even within each of the first three movies.

Looking through the costumes at the Skywalker Ranch archives about 3 weeks ago, I was amazed to see that there are so many shades. The Raiders shirts (as is the case with all of the costumes from ROTLA) are in very poor condition - possibly indicating that they had fewer costumes made and therefore the wear and tear on each item is significantly more than with the other two movies.

Each movies costumes are kept together so all the shirts, Jackets, Trousers etc, hang side-by-side and the first thing that struck me was that with the shirts, the colors varied.

Here is a picture of the two of the shirts from TOD and you will see that the colors are totally different even though they came from the same movie. It might well be that the one was washed more than the other but the fabric didn't feel any different - in other words, the lighter one didn't feel that the fabric was more fragile than the darker one was.

Although I didn't have a shirt with me to make a side-by-side comparison, I would say that for Raiders, the Todd's shirt is the closest in color generally.


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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Charybdis »

This all reminds me of the old phrase: do you want it how it actually was or how it looked onscreen? There sometimes is a big difference in those two!!

Personally, I go for how it looked onscreen, because if not, then people will always wonder about the color, etc. even though it technically is accurate, that's not how it looked onscreen.

I wish you luck in your quest!
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I'm actually of two minds about the "on screen vs. reality" quandry. I am very much about zeroing in on the spirit of a costume, more than getting it 100 percent accurate. But I still find that if reality (or something very close) can be achieved, it looks and feels right when you put it all together... even if it contradicts the screen.
Just my humble opinion, and I support everyone doing it the way that satisfies them most.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

Mulceber: Also, I'm not sure that picture is the most representative of the Raiders shirt, as the shirt in the picture is under intense sunlight. This is probably closer to how the shirt should look under normal conditions:
Mmm - I see your point - the reason why I chose that pic is because his shirt is also in the shade, however although you are right that overall grading of the image might have effected the shadow hues as well.
KramStaar: Here is a picture of the two of the shirts from TOD and you will see that the colors are totally different even though they came from the same movie. It might well be that the one was washed more than the other but the fabric didn't feel any different - in other words, the lighter one didn't feel that the fabric was more fragile than the darker one was.
Wow, was that a private or public tour? Awesome to see pictures on here, separate topic but I wonder why they keep the raiders jacket so quiet and not allowing pics on here?
Thanks for the pic - yeah I'm getting the understanding it wasn't as light as people think, to my eye the screen cap I put up more resemble the colour on the right that you have provided and the screen cap Mulceber put up resembles the shirt on the left (from your pic).

Apart from WPG/Wested/Magnoli other members seem to be out of stock. I checked with Azuma, he's only getting interests for LC shirts currently.
Adventurebilt haven't replied their email in over a week so I'm assuming's there is no demand and I emailed Todd's the other day and he told me that they haven't got a specific date currently for a new run.

So... I have had a WPG - bad fit for me, I have got 2 Magnolis. So any recommendations on Wested or any other vendors?
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Frederick wrote:[
Apart from WPG/Wested/Magnoli other members seem to be out of stock.

So... I have had a WPG - bad fit for me, I have got 2 Magnolis. So any recommendations on Wested or any other vendors?
The WPG color is great, but I agree on the fit. My wife has a Wested, and it's really nice.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by indyfan1234 »

Frederick wrote:
Mulceber: Also, I'm not sure that picture is the most representative of the Raiders shirt, as the shirt in the picture is under intense sunlight. This is probably closer to how the shirt should look under normal conditions:
Mmm - I see your point - the reason why I chose that pic is because his shirt is also in the shade, however although you are right that overall grading of the image might have effected the shadow hues as well.
KramStaar: Here is a picture of the two of the shirts from TOD and you will see that the colors are totally different even though they came from the same movie. It might well be that the one was washed more than the other but the fabric didn't feel any different - in other words, the lighter one didn't feel that the fabric was more fragile than the darker one was.
Wow, was that a private or public tour? Awesome to see pictures on here, separate topic but I wonder why they keep the raiders jacket so quiet and not allowing pics on here?
Thanks for the pic - yeah I'm getting the understanding it wasn't as light as people think, to my eye the screen cap I put up more resemble the colour on the right that you have provided and the screen cap Mulceber put up resembles the shirt on the left (from your pic).

Apart from WPG/Wested/Magnoli other members seem to be out of stock. I checked with Azuma, he's only getting interests for LC shirts currently.
Adventurebilt haven't replied their email in over a week so I'm assuming's there is no demand and I emailed Todd's the other day and he told me that they haven't got a specific date currently for a new run.

So... I have had a WPG - bad fit for me, I have got 2 Magnolis. So any recommendations on Wested or any other vendors?
The wpg is my favorite color wise but I agree the fit seems to only work for bulky or large shoulder guys. I was lucky where it fits my shoulders but I have wide shoulders. The wested is a nice material but the color has a slight yellow hue to it I think. I can send you pics I have comparing the new wested to the wpg and todds
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

indyfan1234 wrote:
Frederick wrote:
Mulceber: Also, I'm not sure that picture is the most representative of the Raiders shirt, as the shirt in the picture is under intense sunlight. This is probably closer to how the shirt should look under normal conditions:
Mmm - I see your point - the reason why I chose that pic is because his shirt is also in the shade, however although you are right that overall grading of the image might have effected the shadow hues as well.
KramStaar: Here is a picture of the two of the shirts from TOD and you will see that the colors are totally different even though they came from the same movie. It might well be that the one was washed more than the other but the fabric didn't feel any different - in other words, the lighter one didn't feel that the fabric was more fragile than the darker one was.
Wow, was that a private or public tour? Awesome to see pictures on here, separate topic but I wonder why they keep the raiders jacket so quiet and not allowing pics on here?
Thanks for the pic - yeah I'm getting the understanding it wasn't as light as people think, to my eye the screen cap I put up more resemble the colour on the right that you have provided and the screen cap Mulceber put up resembles the shirt on the left (from your pic).

Apart from WPG/Wested/Magnoli other members seem to be out of stock. I checked with Azuma, he's only getting interests for LC shirts currently.
Adventurebilt haven't replied their email in over a week so I'm assuming's there is no demand and I emailed Todd's the other day and he told me that they haven't got a specific date currently for a new run.

So... I have had a WPG - bad fit for me, I have got 2 Magnolis. So any recommendations on Wested or any other vendors?
The wpg is my favorite color wise but I agree the fit seems to only work for bulky or large shoulder guys. I was lucky where it fits my shoulders but I have wide shoulders. The wested is a nice material but the color has a slight yellow hue to it I think. I can send you pics I have comparing the new wested to the wpg and todds
Hi Indyfan - please do share your images - I saw your post and I had a look, a real shame about photo bucket, it's made a lot of posts almost useless now. I had to shift all my images over to Imgur and re edited my posts. Even though Todds might be the way to go they are mum on the release of any new shirts so we'll have to wait.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
Frederick wrote:[
Apart from WPG/Wested/Magnoli other members seem to be out of stock.

So... I have had a WPG - bad fit for me, I have got 2 Magnolis. So any recommendations on Wested or any other vendors?
The WPG color is great, but I agree on the fit. My wife has a Wested, and it's really nice.
Wait, you have a wife that has her own Indy shirt? She's a keeper for sure! :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Mark Raats »

Frederick wrote: Wow, was that a private or public tour? Awesome to see pictures on here, separate topic but I wonder why they keep the raiders jacket so quiet and not allowing pics on here?
Thanks for the pic - yeah I'm getting the understanding it wasn't as light as people think, to my eye the screen cap I put up more resemble the colour on the right that you have provided and the screen cap Mulceber put up resembles the shirt on the left (from your pic).

Unfortunately public tours are not possible. I've worked for Lucasfilm over a period of over 25 years now and I have access because of that association.

Regarding the jackets etc, all the Raiders items are in very poor condition as I mentioned and the jackets are very brittle. The powers that be prefer not to have pictures posted simply because its a closed, private space and and they consider the contents to be equally so.

I should mention BTW, that a number of Magnoli items I'm privileged to own have visited many times with me so, one could say they have all returned 'home'!.

Good luck,
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Frederick wrote: Wait, you have a wife that has her own Indy shirt? She's a keeper for sure! :TOH:
Oh, it gets better. She's got full gear (one could argue better than my own), even before we met. :mrgreen:
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by indyfan1234 »

Frederick wrote:Hi Indyfan - please do share your images - I saw your post and I had a look, a real shame about photo bucket, it's made a lot of posts almost useless now. I had to shift all my images over to Imgur and re edited my posts. Even though Todds might be the way to go they are mum on the release of any new shirts so we'll have to wait.
Here are the pics I promised" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

KramStaar wrote:
Frederick wrote: Wow, was that a private or public tour? Awesome to see pictures on here, separate topic but I wonder why they keep the raiders jacket so quiet and not allowing pics on here?
Thanks for the pic - yeah I'm getting the understanding it wasn't as light as people think, to my eye the screen cap I put up more resemble the colour on the right that you have provided and the screen cap Mulceber put up resembles the shirt on the left (from your pic).

Unfortunately public tours are not possible. I've worked for Lucasfilm over a period of over 25 years now and I have access because of that association.

Regarding the jackets etc, all the Raiders items are in very poor condition as I mentioned and the jackets are very brittle. The powers that be prefer not to have pictures posted simply because its a closed, private space and and they consider the contents to be equally so.

I should mention BTW, that a number of Magnoli items I'm privileged to own have visited many times with me so, one could say they have all returned 'home'!.

Good luck,
That's awesome Mark. This might make you the foremost expert on Indy gear here at COW since you've most likely seen all the gear in the flesh? Obtainer of rare antiqueties (not that you would do anything illegally?)

Regarding magnoli's shirts going home - that's awesome. You could just hang them up there in the archives next to their buddies.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Mark Raats »

Frederick wrote:That's awesome Mark. This might make you the foremost expert on Indy gear here at COW since you've most likely seen all the gear in the flesh? Obtainer of rare antiqueties (not that you would do anything illegally?)

Regarding magnoli's shirts going home - that's awesome. You could just hang them up there in the archives next to their buddies.
Yep, I've seen all the gear and all the props in the Archives a number of times but I am certainly no expert as Mike and Michaelson, Holt and many others will testify.
I do my job and love doing it, for the rest I embarrassingly have to rely on the expertise of those who know to help me get the details right.

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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
Frederick wrote: Wait, you have a wife that has her own Indy shirt? She's a keeper for sure! :TOH:
Oh, it gets better. She's got full gear (one could argue better than my own), even before we met. :mrgreen:
Wow- well done! What size did she get? The small that Wested have on offer has a shoulder measurement of 7.5". 1.5" larger than my 6" shoulder of my magnoli that fits great.
If I got there small it will be too large in the shoulders.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

That's too bad. She got the small, as well. Of course, as a woman, she can't expect the fit of any gear to be exactly right.
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Re: Magnoli Raiders "Stone" Shirt VS RiT Dye Remover

Post by Frederick »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:That's too bad. She got the small, as well. Of course, as a woman, she can't expect the fit of any gear to be exactly right.
Awesome thanks for the info! :TOH:
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