Predistressed Yes or No?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Captain D »

I dig the pre-distressed cowhide, lol. What size do you wear? If anything, I'd consider buying it off of you, perhaps. Thanks!
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by xmasters »

I think that looks cool. The pre-distressed jackets won't really look movie accurate at all, even if they are a bit darker.
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Marv »

no predistressing for myself, I prefer to do this through good old fashioned hard wearing. :-k
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by xmasters »

We all do. You'd have to do some extremely hard wearing for the jacket to end up looking like it does in Temple or Last Crusade though.
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Kubrik »

I read somewhere that shoe polish was used on the original raiders jacket.

Has anybody tried using dark brown shoe polish on their predistressed cowhide?

Does it change the color permanently?

Would it ruin the jacket?

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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I haven't tried shoe polish, but I wouldn't recommend it. It most likely won't hurt the leather, but there is a good chance it will rub off on everything. Hence the need to polish shoes over time.

I had a briefcase I wanted to darken and asked a leather shop if shoe polish would work and they said only if I wanted the legs of my trousers to get stained everyday.


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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by IndyFan89 »

Kt Templar wrote:LOL yes it's only a little work, but no sandpaper needed at all.

This this technique works well on pre-d leathers but also on the standard lamb. Not tried it on cow or horse.

Water + dish soap as a lubricant, well wetted green dish scrubber, wet the outside of the jacket well then soak the scrubber in the water dish soap mix and scrub away then rinse well with clean cold water. The raised lines on the Smithsonian shows that a very similar technique was used as the wetted leather bunches up and catches in exactly the same way.

Start gently, wait for the jacket to dry to see how much you've taken back and then repeat.


Was he jacket pictured here pre-d lamb from wested? I’m noticing some people saying it’s too light but this particular jacket is a great color.

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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I used to be a fan of undistressed, but considering my lifestyle, I don't see myself wearing a jacket long enough for it to get distressed to the point I want it to be. I either get bored of it before then, or it falls apart, or I just grow too fond of the pristine look.

With that said, I should point out that by predistressed,I don't mean the uniform distressing crud. I hate that stuff. But I love it when predistressing is done as an art form.
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Metallicuda »

Going to try to resurrect this thread. Does anybody have a recent (late 2018) Wested predistressed picture? Thinking about a LC in predistressed.
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by Lunacyfringeam »

If no one can provide input on Westeds' current predistressed stock i would suggest emailing them directly. I'm sure they'd be happy to send some pictures.
Also, another thing to consider if the distressed look is what you want is Magnolis white label offering. It comes highly recommended and even though I chose to go with the Wested LC hero it was a close call for me.
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by JC1972 »

Anyone have the Wested predistressed lamb? Thinking of getting one for LC, wondering how it is
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Re: Predistressed Yes or No?

Post by xmasters »

It's not suitable for a LC in terms of color. Dark Brown Novapelle would give a better look. I would wait for the legacy jacket though.
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