What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by cropdustdair »

So the last time we see Indy's classic Raiders Fedora in Raiders is when Marion takes it off of his head in Katanga's cabin on the Bantu Wind. That's the last known whereabouts of it.
So the question is. Do you think Katanga was gracious enough at some point and mail it back to IJ or is it just gone forever and that's why Indy has a new one for The Last Crusade?
I like to think of it like the Ark. Nobody knows exactly where it is. But one thing is certain. "It belongs in a museum."
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by backstagejack »

In the novel he wears it when he jumps into the ocean to swim over to the submarine and it gets washed away.... I could be remembering it wrong...

But outside of the novel, I'd think Indy touched base with Katanga again and had his gear shipped back to him.... though to be fair, he couldn't have had much use for most of it. His jacket had a gun hole in the sleeve, his old pants and shirt were probably worse for wear. In fact, after that adventure all his gear, hat, whip, etc, looked pretty rough.... he might have just said, throw all that away and bought new stuff (which would explain the subtle differences in all his gear in LC)
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Somewhere there is floating the story that Katanga returned Indy and Marion's belongings to Sallah who forwarded everything, including the headpiece to the Staff of Ra, back to Indy. I don't remember if that was from a book, comic or fan fiction. :-k


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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Charybdis »

That stuff was so nasty Katanga probably just chucked it overboard!
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by backstagejack »

Found my novel where he definitely loses it after jumping into the water to swim to the sub.

"Then it struck him. His hat. His hat was gone. Don't get superstitious now. You don't have time to mourn the passing of a lucky hat."

So there's that for what it's worth. I like the idea that He just replaced most if not all of his gear after his adventure in Raiders.
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I'm thinking that Indy had his suitcase on board. Given that Indy found himself stranded on a island, he might have used a German radio to call for help, and Katanga was out there. If he didn't pick Indy up, he probably heard who did, and arrangements were made.

If not, Katanga still went to whenever he intended, a would have dropped Indy's stuff off.
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by backstagejack »

What's weird is the LC novelization ALSO has him losing his hat almost at the beginning of the entire book. While he's still on the cargo ship it says, "He let go of the fedora to grab on to the other jamb, and the wind whipped up under the hat's brim and swept it off his head, back into his room. He left it."

and I honestly don't think he acquires another fedora throughout the rest of the book.... :-k
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

He does change and pack for his trip, though. I'm sure he grabbed one from his hat cellar.
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by backstagejack »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:.... I'm sure he grabbed one from his hat cellar.
Hat Cellar? I like it. :rolling: :clap:
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by whipcracker »

backstagejack wrote:
Chewbacca Jones wrote:.... I'm sure he grabbed one from his hat cellar.
Hat Cellar? I like it. :rolling: :clap:
You mean not everyone has a hat cellar? Here in UT lots of people have a food cellar why not for hats. "Store in a cool, dark place."

Seriously thinking though, ever since I was little I just always figured he had his favorite hat shop with his favorite hatter who already how he liked his hats. After and adventure he would have just gone in and his hatter, who was probably an old guy, would say something like, "At it again Dr. Jones? The usual clean and block Dr. Jones? What are you going to when I'm not here anymore? I can't imagine what your hats will look like then."
My dad blocked western hats in Scottsdale back in the 80's and at the Arabian Horse show back when it was BIG and LOTS of money and he knew some people by their hat. I remember one time he saw a guy across the arena and he yelled his name. I asked him later how he knew who it was because it couldn't see his face and he said it was by the shape of his hat. "Bob (or whatever his name was) always likes the brim turned down a little bit extra in the back and a bull rider crease in the front."
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Canyon »

My idea was that Katanga sent Indy's items to Sallah who forwarded them onto Indy with this letter:


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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Charybdis »

Come to think of it, along with the fedora, where was the headpiece last seen, inside the well of souls?
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by Mulceber »

Well the novel version where he loses it in the ocean during the sub scene definitely doesn't hold true for the movie, as Indy doesn't have it with him at any point after Marion takes it off his head in order to...err...tend to his wounds. It must have been left on the ship, in which case Katanga had it. As to whether he picked Indy up after the opening of the ark scene, or had it shipped to Indy (via Sallah?) or just chucked all that junk overboard, :lol: it's anyone's guess. Personally I like to think the hat made it back to Indy.
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Re: What Do you Think Happened To Indy's Raiders Fedora?

Post by ijq8 »

Different movie, but what about his fedora and gear after the refrigerator incident in KotCS? It looks like Indy had to go through a decon procedure; his clothing would have been incinerated. How many identical fedoras, whips, satchels, etc. does he have around the house? Perhaps we should use this to justify numerous gear purchases of the sme kind!
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