Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

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Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

Post by IndianaJames »

Has this been discussed before? I ordered a new pair of 405's and there are track marks around (following) the toe stitching, presumably from the sewing machine. Ive never seen this on any other pair of Aldens ive ordered before...

Anyone else notice this? :x
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Re: Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

Post by Duck9000 »

Sorry to hear that. Do yo have any pics to share?

Re: Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

Post by whipwarrior »

There are several pictures online that show the Indy boots with machine track marks:


They seem to be most visible on the natural chromexcel boots. I was ready for them to be on my boots when I ordered them, but they arrived unblemished. I think it's just the luck of the draw if you happen to receive a marked pair of boots, but I would think that Alden would replace them if you told them you are unhappy with the boots.
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Re: Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

Post by IndianaJames »

whipwarrior wrote:There are several pictures online that show the Indy boots with machine track marks:


They seem to be most visible on the natural chromexcel boots. I was ready for them to be on my boots when I ordered them, but they arrived unblemished. I think it's just the luck of the draw if you happen to receive a marked pair of boots, but I would think that Alden would replace them if you told them you are unhappy with the boots.

Yes! Exactly like that only around the toe. :( Im definitely sending these back, I ordered them from North River Outfitters because I got a screaming gift certificate deal on them, which I think might be why I was sent the black sheep pair they had. There is also a blemish on one of the boots and they have definitely been tried on.

Whipwarrior where did you order yours from?

Re: Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

Post by whipwarrior »

I bought mine from the Alden Shop in San Francisco, back in 2014. I think they were about $550. Probably costs a bit more now, but their shipping was super fast! You definitely won't be disappointed! :TOH:
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Re: Newer Aldens track marks on stitching?

Post by IndianaJames »

Thanks man. I have bought there before as well. I am in California so I get charged tax. Ill have to see what to do next. Thanks for the input gents!
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