Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Yes indeed I agree 100% there are way more things in this world to worry about. That said, this is a forum where these sorts of discussions are encouraged and small details can make a lot of difference to some of us here including myself. If you don't have anything to contribute to this thread then may I ask why bother to interject in the first place?Marcus wrote:You're talking about a single millimeter difference here, right?
My understanding from gear history is that the specs of the original hat were given to us by Swales himself.
Stated as "39mm." Where is the question in that?
Every other hater uses the same (with few exceptions.)
The new representative from HJ, himself, states that the ribbon is 39mm. Again, what is to question?
From what I've read around, the only argument against this was some sort of unsubstantiated claim of ribbon from the original factory, that is supposedly 38mm.
Thus, the ribbon MUST be 38mm.
Sorry my friend, I think there are way more things in this world to worry about.
If you use the information I mentioned earlier and compared it to what your sources report about the Penman hats,I'm trying to finally get a definitive answer to the question of what the true width of the ribbon on the hero fedora was/is.
Nope. I'm still here, at least. If life calms down long enough for me to take and post pictures, I'll contribute. I still don't see much point to measuring something that is likely no longer it's original size... as I noted above.anindyjones wrote:Looks like all of JP's customers followed him out of here.
I can't totally agree, Aaron, simply because this ribbon came from a British shop in London, who works in metrics, and makes hats for British customers. There was, and is, no reason to use measurements in the old English system WE still use when measuring and ordering material for their work.yagottabe wrote:Hi guys.
I'll stir the pot.
1 inch = 25.4mm.
1.5 inch x 25.4mm = 38.1mm.
I've always considered 1.5 inch (Indy's gunbelt width measurement also) to be equal to 38mm.
Could the old quote of 39mm just be a throw away line from someone, who back in the day, couldn't care less about 1mm difference, which in the real world, means nothing to a civilian, but here, is going to drive some people to absolute distraction?
anindyjones wrote:Looks like all of JP's customers followed him out of here.
??? So...just mentioning a banned member can get me in "trouble"??? Really???Mike wrote:Just to throw in a word of caution when mentioning banned members. Don't want to skirt to close too the line to get into trouble.
Product is one thing, banned members another.
anindyjones wrote:Looks like all of JP's customers followed him out of here.
I agree. I've seen a few 38mm ABs and also a few 39mm AB ribbons. I have a theory that one thing that makes it unique is that it is a hair thinner than most of the others I've seen.Dalexs wrote:Now that is a proper measurement using the right tools.
Looks 39mm to me...
And I have ot agree with Chewy, I think variances in batch and processing would affect overall stats.
IF the ribbon on all the hats pictured are the same... that is some variance! Seems to me QA in the ole ribbon factory may be a bit off.
Thanks for taking the time to do the measurement.Jeremiah wrote:Penman Raiders in Beaver
Yep most folks quote the 1.5" without even realizing that it's closer to 38 than it is to 39mm.yagottabe wrote:Hi guys.
I'll stir the pot.
1 inch = 25.4mm.
1.5 inch x 25.4mm = 38.1mm.
I've always considered 1.5 inch (Indy's gunbelt width measurement also) to be equal to 38mm.
Could the old quote of 39mm just be a throw away line from someone, who back in the day, couldn't care less about 1mm difference, which in the real world, means nothing to a civilian, but here, is going to drive some people to absolute distraction?
Looks like a mm from here. But thanks all the same for taking the time to measure regardless.Jeremiah wrote:Might be the less the size of a hair but not enough to make it 38mm.
If anything this might be a hair over 39 if you took into account the edges are raised just a hair from the stitching. I made sure to use the bottom edge of ribbon as a straight edge to butt square up against. No way there is a whole mm gap there.
I don't really care who's right or wrong I'm just looking for as precise as possible. Like I said before I have a theory that what makes this ribbon unique is that it's a little smaller than other ribbon that's used on Indy lids across the board. One problem is that most people just want to assume the 39mm is correct and not even bother to check to see otherwise. Then most folks aren't really invested so they'll take a loose measurement.Jeremiah wrote:Ok just to show you I am right and you are wrong I am going to do this again. Be right back. I work with leather I think I know how to measure.
For clarification, are you saying that people assume that Swales' assertion of 39mm is correct without checking, or that people assume the AB/Penman ribbon is 39mm without checking?anindyjones wrote:Like I said before I have a theory that what makes this ribbon unique is that it's a little smaller than other ribbon that's used on Indy lids across the board. One problem is that most people just want to assume the 39mm is correct and not even bother to check to see otherwise.
Short answer: both of thoseChewbacca Jones wrote:For clarification, are you saying that people assume that Swales' assertion of 39mm is correct without checking, or that people assume the AB/Penman ribbon is 39mm without checking?anindyjones wrote:Like I said before I have a theory that what makes this ribbon unique is that it's a little smaller than other ribbon that's used on Indy lids across the board. One problem is that most people just want to assume the 39mm is correct and not even bother to check to see otherwise.
To my eye, the first two photos here actually show the ribbon as closer to 38mm. Particularly the first where it appears that there is about a millimetre gap between the 100 mark and where the ribbon's left edge begins. But then in the third picture it does look closer to 39mm to me. Just goes to show how different photo angles combined with an individual's unique perspective can lead to people seeing things differently.Jeremiah wrote:I could give a rats arse whether my ribbon is 39 or 38.I got this thing butted up against bottom of ruler. I don't take loose measurements like I said. Its 39mm.
I am also uploading another with square in same position but a better angle. Give me a second.
Ok here is second photo. I actually made as if it were 38mm to show you it's not. Probably beat I can do short of ripping the ribbon off and mailing it to you.![]()
One more for posterity.
Um...that's not what you told me.Jeremiah wrote:You are right in the angles of photos. Each time I would take it I would then look at the photo and say wow, that's not what I am seeing.
I'm the end the only great angle is the one where I put the square perpendicular to the ribbon.
I don't know? Is the ribbon on your hat 38.5mm? I've seen many different hats(AB) now that have all sorts of measurements ranging from 37.5 up to 39mm.Indy Magnoli wrote:What if the ribbon is actually 38.5mm? Then what do we do??![]()
Absolutely I love Pi! Chocolate Pi, Pumpkin Pi, Lemon meringue Pi...Chewbacca Jones wrote:Perhaps the true width is the hat ribbon equivalent of Pi. After all, who doesn't love Pi?
I know we disagree on some things but thanks again for being the sole member to actually take the time to measure and post the results.Jeremiah wrote:Definitely. It's why I love this place and you guys.
Is there such a think as finitely irrational?Indiana Jeff wrote:Infinitely irrational, Mags. Infinitely.![]()