No glasses to read the map at the beginning (All one to impress)
Glasses worn while teaching (looks smart for students).
Puts glasses on to read the headpiece inscription with Imam (looks smart for Imam & Sallah).
No glasses to read his notebook and inscriptions in the Map Room (all alone!).
No glasses to inspect the Sanskrit manuscript (all alone again)
Wears glasses to Pankot dinner (needs to look respectable)
Wears them teaching again.
Takes them off on his way to his office... to apparently read papers (alone) and THEN reads his mail.
Puts them on to read tablet (trying to impress Donovan?)
Wears them on the plane to read the Grail Diary (one of the ONLY times he wears them to read while he's alone)
Doesn't wear them to read the Grail Diary in the library (doesn't want to look to "geeky")
Doesn't wear them to make an accurate shield rubbing nor inspect it later with Brody.
Puts them on to read the Grail Diary with Dad on the zeppelin (impressing the old man?)... but later on reads the EXACT SAME PAGES without glasses IN THE DARK (by himself, I might add)
So... it begs the question: Does Indiana Jones REALLY need to wear glasses? Or has he been caught out?