Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

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Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indy Magnoli »

I don't remember this being discussed before and it just dawned on me... does he really need to wear reading glasses or does he just have them to look smart? Think about the different times he wears them versus when he should need them:


No glasses to read the map at the beginning (All one to impress)
Glasses worn while teaching (looks smart for students).
Puts glasses on to read the headpiece inscription with Imam (looks smart for Imam & Sallah).
No glasses to read his notebook and inscriptions in the Map Room (all alone!).


No glasses to inspect the Sanskrit manuscript (all alone again)
Wears glasses to Pankot dinner (needs to look respectable)


Wears them teaching again.
Takes them off on his way to his office... to apparently read papers (alone) and THEN reads his mail.
Puts them on to read tablet (trying to impress Donovan?)
Wears them on the plane to read the Grail Diary (one of the ONLY times he wears them to read while he's alone)
Doesn't wear them to read the Grail Diary in the library (doesn't want to look to "geeky")
Doesn't wear them to make an accurate shield rubbing nor inspect it later with Brody.
Puts them on to read the Grail Diary with Dad on the zeppelin (impressing the old man?)... but later on reads the EXACT SAME PAGES without glasses IN THE DARK (by himself, I might add)

So... it begs the question: Does Indiana Jones REALLY need to wear glasses? Or has he been caught out?

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by backstagejack »

Good question and well thought out. Though when he gets the grail diary package he does hold it out in order to read where it's from which could be indicative of farsightedness. :-k

It wouldn't surprise me ...... let's be honest, his reputation can't be great in academic circles. Whenever he goes on sabbatical he comes back without any artifacts to speak of and wild stories with no proof. According to LC he doesn't grade papers, skips out then goes back on sabbatical and in TOD he's trading artifacts to gangsters. Also according to the novelization of Raiders he has relations with his students outside of work. According to the EU he was almost kicked out of college as well. I'm wondering if he can even prove his wartime service considering he joined the Belgian army under a fake name... thus leading to more "wild stories" he can't substantiate including the fact that he supposedly used to be friends with TE Lawrence and Ernest Hemingway to name a few. People probably think Indy is a pathological liar.

My guess is old family friend Marcus is the only reason he has a job until CS and he has Stanforth to watch his back. Coasting on the reputation that he's the son of the great Henry Jones.

So glasses to look more respectable? He'll take whatever he can at this rate. I think you figured him out :TOH:
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by temple_runner »

The FBI was also interested in knowing his wartime merits and whether or not he actually deserved them in KOTCS. Certainly not the most stellar reputation.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Dalexs »

:-k You know... you'e not doing a very good job if you're trying to bump up the market for your replica's... ;)
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Dalexs wrote::-k You know... you'e not doing a very good job if you're trying to bump up the market for your replica's... ;)
On the contrary... our glasses are fitted with demo lenses, so even if you don't need glasses (like the REAL Indiana Jones) you SHOULD buy a pair of our fantastic replicas... just to make you look smart. :TOH:

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by backstagejack »

temple_runner wrote:The FBI was also interested in knowing his wartime merits and whether or not he actually deserved them in KOTCS. Certainly not the most stellar reputation.

Right? I forgot about that! and it was a high placed general? that got him out of that pickle....

From what I can see, Indy just seems to have lots of good friends in high places.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Dalexs »

Indy Magnoli wrote:
On the contrary... our glasses are fitted with demo lenses, so even if you don't need glasses (like the REAL Indiana Jones) you SHOULD buy a pair of our fantastic replicas... just to make you look smart. :TOH:
Actually, I already did! ;)
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Nitz146 »

Maybe his sight is just a little bit bad. Like for me, if i dont wear any glasses when watching tv its just a little bit blurry but if I'm wearing my glasses it's crystal clear.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Dalexs wrote:Actually, I already did! ;)
I meant "you" as in "y'all"... you-plural... meaning all COW members should own a pair! \:D/
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Canyon »

Nitz146 wrote:Maybe his sight is just a little bit bad. Like for me, if i dont wear any glasses when watching tv its just a little bit blurry but if I'm wearing my glasses it's crystal clear.
I agree. :TOH: Besides, they make him look even more dashing, especially with the stubble! :mrgreen:
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I have to admit, my eye sight is such that I often don't wear the reading glasses, even though I should. What has always bothered me about Indy is the TOD banquet and the teaching scenes. If I wear my reading glasses to see far away, I'm going to have some trouble. At the very least, Indy could not have been able to make out the " Love You" eyelids while wearing them. So, I say the "act" angle is still plausible.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indiana Neri »

I've always associated it with his "day job"...sorta like a Clark Kent/Superman-thing. Glasses = Professor/"professional", Leather jacket & whip = "Adventurer".

From a storytelling stand point, you wouldn't want to introduce your swashbuckling hero with a pair of glasses on, would ya?! :lol: For the rest of the movie(s), our hero is already established so maybe it was an instinct on HF's part by then? :-k

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

As a cinematic tool, they work well. Especially given the genre and the sort of pulpy medium that these films nod to. Real-world plausibility likely had nothing to do with it. But we geeks love our little conspiracies!

I like the superman comparison. But I think the glasses are a signal to the audience for more than just "professor mode". I think they are mainly used to subliminally tell the audience to pay attention to what Indy is looking at, and focus on what is said about it. The director wants to be sure we see something at that moment, and to focus in.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Michaelson »

Considering the glasses in question were, in reality, Ford's OWN reading glasses that he used in the film(s), I'd say the answer is an unqualified 'YES!" ;)

Reading glasses don't have to be so strong they can't be worn for reading OR distance, as in Ford's case, who only has a slight case of astigmatism, and therefore CAN use his glasses to look at distances without having to remove them after reading.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indiana Neri »

And that's why you are truly "the Knower of Things" haha! :lol:

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Adventure Dog »

I love the idea of Indy needing to change his "image" to appear more or less respectable. As a glasses wearer (no contacts), I only have a mild prescription for distance. I can drive, read, and watch movies without them, but I would rather wear them to see perfectly. I certainly prefer wearing my glasses in "safe" environments when I am not prone to lose or break them, compared to when I hike, bike, or canoe.

Indy probably didn't NEED them to see, but has an easier time with them, but wouldn't want the run the risk of breaking them constantly. I imagine glasses in the 30's were expensive. They still are :)
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by WConly »

Indiana Neri wrote:And that's why you are truly "the Knower of Things" haha! :lol:

---K :TOH:
And.... in this case; "Seer of all Things" :-k ! Sorry, truly couldn't resist this one :rolling: !!! W>

ps: Nostradamus, eat your heart out..... :CR:
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Michaelson »

#-o :lol: ;)
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I agree with Adventure Dog. I wear prescription lenses for both far and near nearsightedness (bifocals!), but my prescription for either is not very strong. In particular I can read without my glasses with relative ease, but it's helpful to have them. For example, reading the unfamiliar text on the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra I may choose to wear them. Reading notes written in my own hand in the Maproom, I may not. I would want to wear them in the classroom to be able to see the students in the back of the class clearly.


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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by j_m_t »

temple_runner wrote:The FBI was also interested in knowing his wartime merits and whether or not he actually deserved them in KOTCS. Certainly not the most stellar reputation.
this scene has nothing to do with his rep but a direct play on the red scare at that time which was coming to an end in 57 and imo is shown by the general who stood up for Indy which would not have happened a year or 2 before

sorry late to the party, and the rub on sentence
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by giantthugee86 »

Michaelson wrote:Considering the glasses in question were, in reality, Ford's OWN reading glasses that he used in the film(s), I'd say the answer is an unqualified 'YES!" ;)

Reading glasses don't have to be so strong they can't be worn for reading OR distance, as in Ford's case, who only has a slight case of astigmatism, and therefore CAN use his glasses to look at distances without having to remove them after reading.

Regards! Michaelson
Yeah...I've seen a lot of behind the scenes photos of Ford wearing glasses.

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Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Michaelson wrote:Considering the glasses in question were, in reality, Ford's OWN reading glasses that he used in the film(s), I'd say the answer is an unqualified 'YES!" ;)

Reading glasses don't have to be so strong they can't be worn for reading OR distance, as in Ford's case, who only has a slight case of astigmatism, and therefore CAN use his glasses to look at distances without having to remove them after reading.

Regards! Michaelson
Slight astigmatism is why I occasionally wear glasses, too. I can't afford to insure my eyes like at least one of my colleagues (an Assyriologist) has done. I can read okay without them, but considering the sheer amount of reading and deciphering of ancient texts I do in a related field, it's nice to have them.

Sadly, my Magnoli glasses snapped at the cable today after getting caught on my shirt pocket a few days ago. Image

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Bradsburns »

No examples from Crystal Skull Magnoli?
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Bradsburns wrote:No examples from Crystal Skull Magnoli?
Don't have that movie memorized like the others... I was hoping someone else might chime in to cover the fourth installment. 8-[]
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Bradsburns »

It is difficult to watch, I understand. Indy 5 will be all glasses, all the time.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by backstagejack »

I noticed that Indy didn't wear them near as much or maybe didn't have them on him. Watching it last night thanks to this thread...

He had them when he was in the classroom, per usual though he had them slightly down his nose and was looking over the rim at people which was new.

He had them at home when he was translating Ox's letter. That was it.

He didn't use them to read Oxley's letter in the diner, he didn't use them to read Oxley's letter in the asylum cell. He didn't use them to read the Russian maps etc when he was held captive.
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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Indiana_Jackie »

I think its more for image sake and adds to the contrast of his true adventurer persona, Indiana Jones. Here I am wearing Magnoli's Professor Glasses. I intend to put together a Professor Jones Jr outfit together, but for now I wear them sometimes as Marion if Im just out and about my everday life. Love them!

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Re: Does Indiana Jones REALLY Need Glasses???

Post by Canyon »

You look great, Jackie, and awesome glasses too! :mrgreen:

Indygals rule! :anxious:
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