This is still my 2008 Horsehide custom LC with Holt specs.
I never seem to get over how good Peter did on the specs I sent him. Seeing it side by side, the jacket seems true to the original.
Man, this thing has been undergoing some serious transformations over the years. From lite weathering to heavy duty over the top aging, (which I had to tone down quite a bit.) And then its been colored from tan to red and back to tan.
Today, all day, I have been going at it. I stripped off the color that sat on top of the aged parts, threw it in the dryer, low heat, slightly sanded it again and the key to bring the brown crusade color into the jacket was actually there infront of me the whole time. The orignal jacket color! I rubbed the color around by using acetone and it work like a charm. It took quite a while to get there but it was worth it.
One of the difficult things was getting the contrast between aged parts. Like the seams and edges should be slightly more aged than the breast and back panels. This was difficult getting done as it is very easy overdoing it.
Originally, the jacket started out very very dark. Almost purple. Now, some 9 years later, I finally have the dream color I want in the LC jacket. That natural brown look without it being a predistressed brown jacket.
Anyways, I am boring you. Here it is!! This is pretty accurate to what I see in real life. The Brunwald is strong in this one!

Feel free to share your opinion.

Sorry, I just gotto say..Man that collar rocks!!

Just love how this came out!

Now, back to the Grail Diary work!

![Magnoli 8-[]](./images/smilies/Magnoli.gif)