The Raiders buckle solved!!!

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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The Raiders buckle solved!!!

Post by afalzon »

We spent years looking for a screen accurate buckle for our Raiders Relic Hunter jacket. Up and until the time when we got the leathers ready, it was extremely difficult to find any close enough buckles. The choice was ample for 1.25" but nothing was available for 1 inch.

So, we released the first version of our jackets using the best alternative we could find at the time. The factory was out of stock so we had to get their minimum order for a few thousand pieces which we did. The buckle's shape was good, not perfect, but there was another issue with it that was bugging us. It was the bulkiness (in the strap). We noticed all other makers struggled with the same issue as can be seen in the below pic.


In the movie buckle there was very minimal bulkiness as shown below.


As many of you know we have upgraded our jackets with a screen accurate buckle which is so constructed that allows for minimal bulkiness just as the movie buckle. Also, the ratio of the width to the height of the buckle is the same as the film used (i.e. the exact same shape) and we are pretty sure that we sourced these buckles from the same place the film makers did.

Our current buckle with minimal bulkiness


and comparison with movie used

Last edited by afalzon on Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Raiders buckle solved!!!

Post by Duck9000 »

Top notch as always, Andy. BK is the best IMHO :TOH:
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Re: The Raiders buckle solved!!!

Post by Gorak »

I've said it beforr......nothing beats screen shot comparisons to back up your posts....great!
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Re: The Raiders buckle solved!!!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

FANTASTIC job researching this! :) :tup:

And AMAZING results! :TOH:
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