I am attaching the first photos of the first prototype of my Indiana Jones shirt. Since I am not allowed access to the forum, I am hoping you will post them for me and start a critical discussion that will help me refine the pattern. Please note that materials and color are not correct and need not be discussed - only the styling details.
To those who wonder why I am venturing into this area in competition with Wested, I offer the following:
1. I started this before I knew Wested was really producing shirts.
2. Even though Wested shirts are now available, and are undoubtedly very high quality, I know I can make a high quality shirt that will be less expensive. Currently, projected price is around $58. I am having the shirt fabric custom milled to conform as closely as possible to the original.
3. I will offer the shirt in many more sizes. Currently, I am planning sizes 36-52, and I am contemplating long and regular lengths. Forum feedback on this would be useful.
4. Besides, it will offer afficionados hours of entertainment arguing over which one is better. In the end, I think many will decide they must have more than one shirt and will opt for both.
I have no plans at this time to produce other IJ items. Wested pants seem to be quite a bargain and I see no need to duplicate that effort. Everything else seems to be covered by someone.
And here's an interesting new development for the rumor mills: I have just been informed of a stash of 3000 respirator bags in a secret warehouse in a remote foreign country. The only photo I have seen so far is clearly an Indian pattern Mk VI bag. I am trying to find out now if there are any MK VII bags in this stash. More fund than golden idols!