NEW! - WPG Indy Shirt - w/pics(updated 7-16-04)

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NEW! - WPG Indy Shirt - w/pics(updated 7-16-04)

Post by Minnesota Jones »

This is from Jerry at What Price Glory (home of the repro Indy Bag):

I am attaching the first photos of the first prototype of my Indiana Jones shirt. Since I am not allowed access to the forum, I am hoping you will post them for me and start a critical discussion that will help me refine the pattern. Please note that materials and color are not correct and need not be discussed - only the styling details.

To those who wonder why I am venturing into this area in competition with Wested, I offer the following:

1. I started this before I knew Wested was really producing shirts.

2. Even though Wested shirts are now available, and are undoubtedly very high quality, I know I can make a high quality shirt that will be less expensive. Currently, projected price is around $58. I am having the shirt fabric custom milled to conform as closely as possible to the original.

3. I will offer the shirt in many more sizes. Currently, I am planning sizes 36-52, and I am contemplating long and regular lengths. Forum feedback on this would be useful.

4. Besides, it will offer afficionados hours of entertainment arguing over which one is better. In the end, I think many will decide they must have more than one shirt and will opt for both.

I have no plans at this time to produce other IJ items. Wested pants seem to be quite a bargain and I see no need to duplicate that effort. Everything else seems to be covered by someone.

And here's an interesting new development for the rumor mills: I have just been informed of a stash of 3000 respirator bags in a secret warehouse in a remote foreign country. The only photo I have seen so far is clearly an Indian pattern Mk VI bag. I am trying to find out now if there are any MK VII bags in this stash. More fund than golden idols!


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Post by Fedoraman »

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Post by GCR »

I agree about the buttons, but I guess that could fall under the "materials and color are not correct and need not be discussed" clause as stated by Jerry. The overall design of the shirt, in my opinion, is very good for the first try / prototype. There are a few things that I can see people debating about (The epaulets...pointed, or squared off?) but for the most part it looks promising.

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Post by cliffhanger »

I think it is close enough, and at $58?!?! That's a great price, IMO.

Thanks to Jerry and MN Jones for posting this. Keep us all updated at to what WPG does in the future.

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Post by Swindiana »

Well... I think I'd buy one right now if they were available. I mean... at that prize! :wink: I also remember the fast shipment from Jerry when getting my first WPG bag, so that sure is a bonus. And the new stash of bags!!! Man, all good news even though they might not be Mk VII ones!

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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

4. Besides, it will offer afficionados hours of entertainment arguing over which one is better. In the end, I thinkmany will decide they must have more than one shirt and will opt for both
They know! RUN!!!! ::throws down smoke bomb::

Well, after the smoke has settled...

The buttons appear to be clear but like he said, no porblem there. The style looks great, just square the epaulets and you'll be good to go. BTW, I think this is hilarious. Just when I thought getting a Wested shirt was going to be the end of my shirt quest, I now realise with some certainty that I will have to buy both of these shirts, and that in all liklihood by that time someone else will have come out with one too. Anyway, great job Jerry, thanks for making it that much easier for us to spend our money :wink:
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

I'm planning on getting a Wested shirt as well. But Jerry's looks extremely promising also. Decisions decisions. Remember, just a few years ago, we NEVER would have had all this. Look at how many fedora suppliers we have now, same with the jacket, bullwhip, and now shirt. It's quickly becoming a Gearhead Golden Age.
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Post by Cabinetman »

Great looking shirt. I especially like the minimalist tag. Wested's tag is very classy, but in my opinion, much too much for a shirt of this weight. Looks itchy. The less tag the better. If what we see is indicative of the WPG tag, that'll be nice.

I think the t-shirt makers really have something with the tagless shirts.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

I suppose I should put my opinions in as well as I've posted the pictures and all but haven't yet commented on the shirt itself yet. Really nice start. I'd say if it could be built (construction wise) and feel like an LL Bean for durability, but keeping the original details, awesome. I'd also like three choices in color for people: Stone for the ROTLA on screen look, and Khaki with matching buttons (ROTLA actual look) and Khaki with darker buttons (ToD & LC).
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Currency exchange

Post by Gobler »

I love the fact that we now will have multiple sources for the shirt. I agree with giving us the choice of Raiders (onscreen) Raiders real world and TOD/LC and a long, which I need. Although, if the conversion is correct 39 pounds converts to $47 USD. This is the converter I am using. Am I wrong? :?
Is this incorrect? I type in the Euro ammount and convert it to USD.

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Re: Currency exchange

Post by Minnesota Jones »

Gobler wrote:Although, if the conversion is correct 39 pounds converts to $47 USD. This is the converter I am using. Am I wrong? :?
Is this incorrect? I type in the Euro ammount and convert it to USD.

I think 39 pounds comes out to about 69.91 or so approximately in US Dollars. It would be Pounds Sterling (Great Britain Pounds) to US Dollars, not Euros to Dollars. Hope that helps.
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Post by Gobler »

:oops: My bad. Thanks I need to save a little more then I thought :cry:

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Post by Renderking Fisk »


There was a time if you wanted the most authentic shirt you had one supplier and it would cost you more then $90 bucks. Now look... more then one supplier.
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Post by Trevelyan »

Am I the only one who's just as excited about the gas mask bags as the shirt? I mean, the shirt looks great, but more MK VI's and VII's, now that's exciting. :D I really need to start working again soon before my urge to buy gear returns again to full force.
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Post by JohnNdy »

I think we should strive for screen accuracy and add the pen-pocket in the front pocket of the shirt...

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Post by Captain D »

AWESOME!!! :D I agree that "What Price Glory" does have SPEEDY shipping....and QUALITY products.....a definte plus when it comes to us anxious gearheads, lol, :wink: .

If it is made of a durable material (not feel so fragile like the "costume-like" feel material that NH had)....and only be $58 bux, count me in to buy a few! :D

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Post by Glurrk »

Jerry definitely has another interested buyer when these come out. I was going to inquire about price conversions from Wested, but now I'll wait a little longer. Did Jerry mention when the shirts might be available? (Even the prototype looks great!) :D

P.S.- I got my bag from WPG, and the service was outstanding.
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Post by Captain D »

Yes....inquiring minds want to know when these shirts come out! :wink:

I too just bought one of these greener MKV II bags from WPG. A quality-made bag with speedy service..... :D

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Post by Flash Gordon »

How come Jerry's not allowed access to this forum?
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Post by Mike »

His account is active. I think he's having problems on his end.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I think he's having problems on his end.

He should see a doctor about that. :wink:

Do we have an ETA on the shirts?
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

I posted what Jerry sent me. Once he logs in, he can definately give us more specifics.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

The shirt looks great. I can't wait to acquire one. I hope the sleeves will be long enough. I have 36" arms. My shirt size is 16"X 36" and sleeves which are too short drive me nuts!

News of the bag-find is encouraging also.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Hemingway Jones wrote: My shirt size os 16"X 36"
Hey Hem, you must be kind of a short fella. :D
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Buff wrote:
Hey Hem, you must be kind of a short fella.
6'2" -200 lbs. -Tiny Tim :D -Tim being my real name.
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WPG finally has a voice

Post by wpg »

Finally got that bug ironed out!

Thanks to all for your encouraging comments.

I am going out this project slowly to try to get the best product possible. It will probably take another 6 months to get these made up and delivered. The fabric hasn't even been made yet.

I need further amplification of the comment about the pen pocket, hopefully with a photo.

Comments about sizes needed are very helpful. Don't be ashamed to tell us all you are a knuckle-dragger.

Yes, the epaulets on the sample seem to be different lengths. I didn't even catch that.

The more you critize the sample the more I can work on perfecting the design.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

WOW!!! That's one GIGANTIC avitar!!!! The people of tokyo are in a panic!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
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Post by Indy Magnoli »

binkmeisterRick wrote:WOW!!! That's one GIGANTIC avitar!!!! The people of tokyo are in a panic!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's great!!!

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Post by Gobler »

Geesh. I posted my avatar at 120x120 and got slaped for it. :lol:

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Post by Dalexs »

Ok, so which moderator wants to WARN our friend Jerry about the size restrictions of avatars??? :lol:

Which btw is a great photo!

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

WOW! That thing blew my all my messages right off my screen.
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Post by Pyroxene »


If you need help resizing it, please let one of the mods know. We all are pretty good with Photo-chop.

BTW - Welcome and I like your gear.

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Post by Cooler King »

If you need somebody to resize and/or host it, send me an email: aaron@theindyexperience I'd be glad to help. :)

Nonetheless, that's a VERY cool avatar! :D

Nice shirt Jerry, I might get me one... :)
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Now that it's down... I can't see what the fuss was about? [I can only guess it was a pic of a girl wearing the new shirt and nothing else. Joking...]
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Ren wrote:
Now that it's down... I can't see what the fuss was about? [I can only guess it was a pic of a girl wearing the new shirt and nothing else. Joking...]
OH NO, Not again! No, actually Ren, Jerry bears a remarkable ressemblance to General George S. Patton. Hoprefully, his avatar will be up again soon because it's one of the best I've seen.
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Re: WPG finally has a voice

Post by Minnesota Jones »

wpg wrote:I am going out this project slowly to try to get the best product possible. It will probably take another 6 months to get these made up and delivered. The fabric hasn't even been made yet.
Definately keep us in the loop (as I know you will) as how this developes along in the next few months.

Pyro, did you have a closeup shot of the pen pocket?
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Re: WPG finally has a voice

Post by Pyroxene »

Minnesota Jones wrote: Pyro, did you have a closeup shot of the pen pocket?
Yes. Here it is.

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Post by Gobler »

I was looking at a few photos and noticed that the epaulets, on the TOD shirt anyway, are pointed and not flat tiped. Look at the one that hangs loose and tell me it's flat at the tip.

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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Here's a couple of screen grabs from raiders:



The Raiders shirt definitely has squared off epaulets
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Post by Gobler »

I don't know, they look rounded to me.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I doubt any non-gearheads would notice. "Hey... didn't Jones wear Oxford shirts? That can't be the real deal!"

These shirts are better then close enough.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Gobler wrote:I don't know, they look rounded to me.

Same here. Definitely rounded
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Post by prettybigguy »

Renderking Fisk wrote:I doubt any non-gearheads would notice. "Hey... didn't Jones wear Oxford shirts? That can't be the real deal!"

These shirts are better then close enough.

I agree. I've never been that much of a stickler for the details on the shirt so long as it's the the correct color, has the buton flap pockets and epulets. The pix look fantastic. Now that summer is almost here again I really need to get a warm weather Indy shirt. My Cabela's is just too hot. Thanks for tackling this Jerry!
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Post by Gobler »

So what I have seen is the Raiders shirt has rounded epaulets and the TOD shirt had pointed epaulets. Not sure for LC. IndianaGuybrush, you say "The Raiders shirt definitely has squared off epaulets" I'm sorry but I just don't see it. They clearly have a roundness too them. What say all? Infact I will start a poll.

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Post by Captain D »

As I mentioned in the other thread above this one, it seems, to me anyway, that the Epaulets should extend a little longer past the stitching/pleats on the front of the shirt......maybe it's just me, but what do y'all think?

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Post by Trevelyan »

I just thought of something I was going to mention a few months ago for Peter's shirt but forgot. Forgive me if it's been covered. When looking at the pleats on the Indy Shirt, they are always more wrinkled than the rest of the shirt. When I asked my mother how this was done, she said that the rest of the shirt would have been pre-shrunk, while the pleats and epaulets shrunk after they were sewn on. i'm not sure how easy this is to do on a large scale, but I think it would really make the shirt more authentic, and better looking imo.
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Gobler, my statement was in regard to the "pointed versus squared-off/rounded" debate. I don't know how best to define the distinction between rounded-off or squared off. I would think squared off epaulets would become rounded as the shirt became more worn. The rounding effect you're seeing is more than likely the material of the shirt not holding an "edge" but rather being softened with wear and washings as it is broken in.

The point I was trying to make was that the Raiders epaulets are definitely not pointy. Whether you wish to call them squared off or rounded I suppose is a matter of perception. I agree they don't look sharply squared off, but the only way I can reoncile making that shape is by having a triangle and then cutting the top off of it. The edges might be soft, but I think that's a function of the shirt breaking in.
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Post by Flash Gordon »

The WPG shirt has the strips running from the pockets up to the shoulder curving in as they reach the epaulets. That's why the epaulets look too short.

In the screen shirt, the epaulet button comes past the strips on the collar side.

If WPG ran the strips straight up, parallel with the front buttons, then the epaulet button would fall properly on the collar side, past the strip.
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Post by schwammy »

This is great! Two shirt vendors! Competition is a good thing. I'm all for it, and I plan on owning some of each.

I see at least one advantage that this prototype has over the Wested shirt, and that is the correct button placement. The third button down seems to be in line with the pocket buttons, which is screen accurate. Not a huge deal, but it's nice to see it all the same. The material looks nice and puckered/wrinkled, which is great.

The second button at the wrist and additional button further up the arm are extraneous, I believe. I think the corners of the sleeves should be squared rather than rounded. Conversely, I think the pocket corners should be sqaured rather than rounded.

I agree about the minimalist tag, although it's also nice to see "hand made by British craftsmen" on your tag. A little ego boost.

That's all I can spot. Oh, and the buttons should be light green rather than clear in color.

As far as fit, I really liked Noel Howard's tight-fitting shirts. The only other time in my life when I had such well-fitting shirts was when I was in the service, and even then it was only because we had them tailored to hug the torso.

Good-looking shirt!
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Post by Got Maul »

More competition = great quality

more competition = getting both sets for the consumer :)

Have these guys thought about doing these shirts in different colors ? I mean I love the design of the shirt in it of itself. I think it would look phenominal in Black and if anyone is like me on this board, they wear bits and pieces of their gear as everyday wear.. As it stands I already where my LL Bean everywhere, why not try for color variations - just no pink...please.
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