Last Crusade jacket quest

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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by car96 »

So is there a more screen accurate LC jacket we can order right now? What leather is to be used? Do we get to give our exact measurements or is it just a Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large sizing?

I am confused. :?

Oh....I would take any of the above LC jackets shown...Chicago, Smithsonian, Lucas archive...etc whatever, they all look great. =P~
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Screencapped »

car96 wrote:So is there a more screen accurate LC jacket we can order right now? What leather is to be used? Do we get to give our exact measurements or is it just a Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large sizing?

I am confused. :?

Oh....I would take any of the above LC jackets shown...Chicago, Smithsonian, Lucas archive...etc whatever, they all look great. =P~
I think this jacket is in its infancy stage. From what I understand, they may be taking names of those interested to see if there's enough interest to make the jaçkets. However, as always, I may be mistaken. :TOH:
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by backstagejack »

car96 wrote:So is there a more screen accurate LC jacket we can order right now? What leather is to be used? Do we get to give our exact measurements or is it just a Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large sizing?

I am confused. :?

Oh....I would take any of the above LC jackets shown...Chicago, Smithsonian, Lucas archive...etc whatever, they all look great. =P~

Steele and Jones is actively selling this jacket as well speak. It's pretty accurate from what I've heard, there's always room for improvement depending on who you talk to ( I am by no means any kind of expert). I'm pretty sure this is a custom jacket (not S, M, or L sizes)

Here is a thread dedicated to this jacket... as you can see, several people are actively ordering it and wearing it.

Magnoli also sells a good product based off of the actual smithsonian jacket, I think.... (again, others can answer this better than I). Same thing, custom jacket not S, M or L ... p-109.html Version C.

Supposedly, Wested is going to come out with an LC Hero. It was supposed to be out by now.... but has yet to happen but hopefully will soon. If it's anywhere as good as the ROTLA Hero then I expect it to be decent. I'm betting they'll offer it in standard sizes like 38, 40, 42, etc.... but I'd go custom if I were you.

And Dan is now working on an LC jacket.... but yes, it's still in the infancy stage. Though I don't know for a fact, but it will be sizes just like suits sizes 38R, 40L etc.... . My guess is it will be sold through

Depending on who you talk to the LC jacket is Lamb or Cowhide.... and possible different in different scenes (thanks hollywood). Each vendor offers what they feel is best... some you can request certain hides depending on your preference.

I'm sure there's other vendors out there that I'm forgetting but that's what I can think of for now.

This current thread is chalk full of guys that ARE experts on this jacket so they will have better answers than I.

Hope this helps. :TOH:
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by car96 »

I've got a Steele and Jones, actually have the first LC they made.

I was under the impression after reading this thread that the person who viewed the Smithsonian going to start producing a LC jacket in a more screen accurate leather and specs.

Not sure who Dan is? Maybe he has something to do with the webpage Logan's Closet? I went to that page, it looks like some leather jackets....Vance and Hines? Don't they make motorcycle jackets?
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Screencapped »

Like I said before, that's the impression I get also. :TOH:
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by backstagejack »

car96 wrote:I've got a Steele and Jones, actually have the first LC they made.

I was under the impression after reading this thread that the person who viewed the Smithsonian going to start producing a LC jacket in a more screen accurate leather and specs.

Not sure who Dan is? Maybe he has something to do with the webpage Logan's Closet? I went to that page, it looks like some leather jackets....Vance and Hines? Don't they make motorcycle jackets?

Dan specializes in movie jackets and many if not most of his jackets are made by Vanson. Yes

and "more screen accurate leather and specs" is up for debate by many. Many will swear it's Lamb, many will swear it's cow, maybe will say it's both... and the specs? Depends on which jacket... the smithsonian, the chicago, the lucasfilm... etc etc etc.

In the end it all comes down to your own personal preference and your personal idea of the LC jacket. Just like the fedora.

Other's that offer the jacket have also viewed or use the smithsonian jacket's specs. Dan's just trying to make as he said...
... my version may not be that one for them, but I am going to shoot for that "one" for me
and offer it up for sale.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by CM »

What we do know is that you can't tell what hide the jacket is made from by watching it in a movie. All that is speculation based on drape and what people think it looks like. Dan and Stefan can actually tells us what it was.

We also know that at this point Magnoli Clothiers have the closest LC jacket on offer based on the Smithsonian measurements taken the first time by Stefan. Wested have never offered a decent LC jacket unless you specify pocket sizes and collar style. The LC I got from them in 2004 was simply a Raiders with snaps. The current one is a Crystal Skull style. I have never understood why Wested keep making LC jackets with long, rectangular cargo pockets and narrow pocket flaps when clearly the LC pocket is very specific. It's nto all down to personal preference there are some details that have been clear for a long time. ;)
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Holt »

CM wrote: I have never understood why Wested keep making LC jackets with long, rectangular cargo pockets and narrow pocket flaps when clearly the LC pocket is very specific. It's nto all down to personal preference there are some details that have been clear for a long time. ;)
It's because Peter decided to slap the CS and LC in one jacket.

Thats why you see he sells it as a Skulls/Crusade jacket and not a Crusade jacket alone.

The pattern of the wested is the same as the real LC Jacket, but as you pointed out. The pockets and collar are wrong. But the body is the same.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

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I knew both of those things, Holt. Doesn't help explain it however.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

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I know and I know ;)
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by car96 »

It's all good by me. I just felt like being still kinda new around here I didn't follow all the posts in this thread.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by theman »

Holt wrote:
CM wrote: I have never understood why Wested keep making LC jackets with long, rectangular cargo pockets and narrow pocket flaps when clearly the LC pocket is very specific. It's nto all down to personal preference there are some details that have been clear for a long time. ;)
It's because Peter decided to slap the CS and LC in one jacket.

Thats why you see he sells it as a Skulls/Crusade jacket and not a Crusade jacket alone.

The pattern of the wested is the same as the real LC Jacket, but as you pointed out. The pockets and collar are wrong. But the body is the same.
Agreed on the first point Holt, can't understand why Wested hasn't been selling legit LCs all this time if he did make any of the movie jackets... The body on his current Skulls/Crusade offering is not the same as the LC Stefan and I measured at the Smithsonian unfortunately, Wested's body is still too long in the back OTR. Wested's is more correct towards what Tony made for the actual CrystalSkulls movie jackets than the LC. Wested's ToD is bang-on accurate for a while now from the NH jacket though.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by theman »

car96 wrote:So is there a more screen accurate LC jacket we can order right now? What leather is to be used? Do we get to give our exact measurements or is it just a Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large sizing?

I am confused. :?

Oh....I would take any of the above LC jackets shown...Chicago, Smithsonian, Lucas archive...etc whatever, they all look great. =P~
car - I am only going for replicating the Smithsonian jacket that I've fondled personally... :) that's the only one I can say for sure I can match the leather and details. I will be doing them in standard suit jacket sizes for the first run, as in 38R, 40R, 42R, 44R, etc... I have pretty much settled on the Ford sized 41R actual jacket as my size 42R starting point for grading, as this jacket fits a variety of shapes well per size.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Holt »

theman wrote:
Holt wrote:
CM wrote: I have never understood why Wested keep making LC jackets with long, rectangular cargo pockets and narrow pocket flaps when clearly the LC pocket is very specific. It's nto all down to personal preference there are some details that have been clear for a long time. ;)
It's because Peter decided to slap the CS and LC in one jacket.

Thats why you see he sells it as a Skulls/Crusade jacket and not a Crusade jacket alone.

The pattern of the wested is the same as the real LC Jacket, but as you pointed out. The pockets and collar are wrong. But the body is the same.
Agreed on the first point Holt, can't understand why Wested hasn't been selling legit LCs all this time if he did make any of the movie jackets... The body on his current Skulls/Crusade offering is not the same as the LC Stefan and I measured at the Smithsonian unfortunately, Wested's body is still too long in the back OTR. Wested's is more correct towards what Tony made for the actual CrystalSkulls movie jackets than the LC. Wested's ToD is bang-on accurate for a while now from the NH jacket though.
Agreed on the length on the OTR jackets.

However, on my custom jackets everything else seemed to measure up correctly. But then again, they are custom
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Kt Templar »

The LC/CS is Wested's reproduction of the jacket they made as their submission for Crystal Skull. It's a reproduction of the oddball jacket with the double stitch shoulders (which turned out to be a Cooper/Disney), that was chosen as the template. That's why it is the same length as Nowak, they were working off the same measurements.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by theman »

Holt wrote:
theman wrote:
Holt wrote:
CM wrote: I have never understood why Wested keep making LC jackets with long, rectangular cargo pockets and narrow pocket flaps when clearly the LC pocket is very specific. It's nto all down to personal preference there are some details that have been clear for a long time. ;)
It's because Peter decided to slap the CS and LC in one jacket.

Thats why you see he sells it as a Skulls/Crusade jacket and not a Crusade jacket alone.

The pattern of the wested is the same as the real LC Jacket, but as you pointed out. The pockets and collar are wrong. But the body is the same.
Agreed on the first point Holt, can't understand why Wested hasn't been selling legit LCs all this time if he did make any of the movie jackets... The body on his current Skulls/Crusade offering is not the same as the LC Stefan and I measured at the Smithsonian unfortunately, Wested's body is still too long in the back OTR. Wested's is more correct towards what Tony made for the actual CrystalSkulls movie jackets than the LC. Wested's ToD is bang-on accurate for a while now from the NH jacket though.
Agreed on the length on the OTR jackets.

However, on my custom jackets everything else seemed to measure up correctly. But then again, they are custom
Yep, there you have it. 8)
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by theman »

Kt Templar wrote:The LC/CS is Wested's reproduction of the jacket they made as their submission for Crystal Skull. It's a reproduction of the oddball jacket with the double stitch shoulders (which turned out to be a Cooper/Disney), that was chosen as the template. That's why it is the same length as Nowak, they were working off the same measurements.
Good to know... that stinks they don't offer an LC version then, as that would supposedly be their most accurate of the bunch if they kept the patterns they made them from.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Kt Templar »

theman wrote:
Kt Templar wrote:The LC/CS is Wested's reproduction of the jacket they made as their submission for Crystal Skull. It's a reproduction of the oddball jacket with the double stitch shoulders (which turned out to be a Cooper/Disney), that was chosen as the template. That's why it is the same length as Nowak, they were working off the same measurements.
Good to know... that stinks they don't offer an LC version then, as that would supposedly be their most accurate of the bunch if they kept the patterns they made them from.
The longer body is probably a more commercially sensible option. For a standard off the rack jacket you need for it to agree with more people. The 'heroic' one inch below the belt look is fine for film but many people find it too short for comfort - which leads to returns, you can live with a slightly too long jacket, but not a too short one.

But, then again you can choose what length you get with them if you custom and not for much of a premium.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by St. Dumas »

Hey, Dan. How tall was the collar stand and how wide was the storm flap on the Smithsonian?
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

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1" for the stand height, 1.75" for the storm flap width.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

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Thanks, Dan.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by backstagejack »

theman wrote:
Kt Templar wrote:The LC/CS is Wested's reproduction of the jacket they made as their submission for Crystal Skull. It's a reproduction of the oddball jacket with the double stitch shoulders (which turned out to be a Cooper/Disney), that was chosen as the template. That's why it is the same length as Nowak, they were working off the same measurements.
Good to know... that stinks they don't offer an LC version then, as that would supposedly be their most accurate of the bunch if they kept the patterns they made them from.

Supposedly members on this forum have been working with them on an accurate LC Hero version that was going to be out... last month I think.... but was postponed. No word on it since then.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by CM »

Hi Dan and Stefan - when are we likely to see more on this extraordinary encounter with a screen used jacket?
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by chenricy »

afalzon wrote:hmmm
hearing it was displayed at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry exhibit of 2004-2005

so now must be gone to God knows where

edit: The Chicago is the one that appeared in Cardiff. After that God knows where
I am surprised they didn't do it at the field museum instead, that one is all archeology...
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by CRB »

Where is this jacket from ?

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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Holt »

This is the famous motorcycle jacket. I dunno who got a hold of it but someone did.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by CRB »

Looks good. And heavier than lamb.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Kt Templar »

CRB wrote:Where is this jacket from ?

That image was posted by a German company - Noble House, they say it's is making a licensed replica, thought their version is pretty inaccurate.

The picture is supposed to come from Lucasfilm. ... anguage=en" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by CM »

Kt's right. They got access to that jacket (there are a range of photos of the Nobel House guys with it) and then made a dreadful copy. Why? It does not make sense in any known universe.
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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Indiana Jeff »

So they had access to a LC jacket, their site description talks about the ROLA and TOD jackets, they use movie posters from CS and the jacket doesn't look like any of the four? #-o


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Re: Last Crusade jacket quest

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Well, at least the zipper is "made entirely out of metal."
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