As Stefan had announced, he made an amazing life experience happen for any true Indy diehard... we had an unfettered viewing and fondling of the Last Crusade jacket! Stefan deserves the largest of thanks for making this possible. As we can now help fill in the community on some major details concerning this icon. Stefan and I are collaborating on a full workup to present on the forums to catalog our findings... but this particular thread is on a related vein closer to us obtaining our own equivalent of that icon.
I had already completed much of my own Last Crusade LC patterning a couple years ago when Stefan first gave me some wonderful pics and detail from an earlier viewing of this iconic jacket. I had to shelve the project for a bit unfortunately because I really wanted to bring an exact jacket to life as the best Last Crusade has definitely eluded us jacket fans for quite some time, but I hadn't yet quite matched up a leather and wasn't sure if Vanson's plate had any space for another new model.
LastCrusade still needs a last crusade, as I have not found a definitive version by the makers out there as I had for the other movies' versions. I have shown and even compared my favorites out here from Tony, Wested, Todds, and even a surprisingly excellent Belstaff licensed replica... but all of those did not take on the LastCrusade. So I might as well just build it finally, now that I've had the actual jacket in hand, and there seems to be that void to fill.
I was excited during our measuring session with the jacket, by just how close my pattern was already, only being off a 1/4 inch here and there was some fulfilling confirmation of what I had put together.
As Stefan has mentioned the sizing works out to a true 41R, and I will be basing my grading exactly on the original.
With the leather confirmed in hand I am now courting a serious amount of leather samples to get us the right hide...hardware as well is already being sourced.
Stefan and I have discussed this prospect, and I will move forward with putting together a run of these... the more folks we have on board the better our chances are for a higher priority and shorter build time. I would like to keep the price between $650-800 for a made in the USA jacket with all correct details. If folks would like to get on board please let us know here, only real buy-in will get this to come to fruition, and I am here to make sure it's the best LastCrusade seen yet.
You guys know by now how picky I am when it comes to the details, now I think it's time for me to put that pickiness to work on my own version of this one.