Just received an original vintage stetson Pre-temple of doom. 1975. I allways love vintage items!! It smells like the inside of my great grandmothers curtain closet tho
But this is a pretty sick hat. IMO it has pretty much all the features of the original Temple hat. Short crown, slightly wider ribbon, wide flat awesome brim!
I allready gave it a temple bash and as you can see, it comes out perfectly! With some aging this is going to look pretty awsome!!!
so been busy wiht this hat since I got it and let me say, it's been one of the most frustrating hats I have ever worked on!!! It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be when I first got it..It looks like an easy bash but to me, it was not!!! Maby I am just used to do LC hats.. Or maby not used to work on short crowns... Anyways..
I finally got the look I wanted. The shorther slightly tapered crown vs the wide flat brim. I love that look. it's the temple look to me.
And here she is. The original Stetson from 1975 pre-temple of doom.
Fantastic! You are really pulling this one together in a hurry. It always amazes me how you have the ability to locate just the right items, and tweak them just enough to be dead ringers for the real thing.
I found this one on ebay. It was in mint condition and was stored in the box for all those years. I guess I was lucky and so was the hat. We were ment to be. I got a temple hat and this old hat got new life.
so been busy wiht this hat since I got it and let me say, it's been one of the most frustrating hats I have ever worked on!!! It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be when I first got it..It looks like an easy bash but to me, it was not!!! Maby I am just used to do LC hats.. Or maby not used to work on short crowns... Anyways..
I finally got the look I wanted. The shorther slightly tapered crown vs the wide flat brim. I love that look. it's the temple look to me.
And here she is. The original Stetson from 1975 pre-temple of doom.
I hope you like.
Inspired by this hat.
I've heard before from other members that a few Stetsons were actually used in TOD. Anybody know which scenes?