USW "Featherweight" jacket

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USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by soulman »

Okay, so I pulled the trigger on a lambskin featherweight jacket. Over the course of time I've owned all kinds of indy jackets in all kinds of hides. But nevr any that were billed as featherweight, so this is a first for me. Can anyone give me a hint as to what to expect? How featherweight is "featherweight"? I had a Todd's once before and it was really light but still fairly durable. Kinda like wearing a leather windbreaker. Is this similar? I need an indy jacket that is light enough to wear in warmer weather and thought this might do.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by ijq8 »

I also just got one of these. They're really nice...very supple leather. I'd say it is a good jacket for over 50 degrees F. As far as durability, I cant say too much b/c I haven't had it very long but it's high quality. It's not "drag behind a truck" tough, but it should last for years and years. Hope that helps.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by soulman »

That does help. I did have a curiosity about what temps this jacket would be good in. I live in Virginia and things are just now warming up and I make frequent trips to Florida and it sounds like it would be a good choice for a cool evening in either state. Most of my activities are rather pedestrian so there's no fear of getting dragged behind a truck to ruin this hide!
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

If my wife's Todd's is anything to go by for comparison, I'd say the USW will be a tiny bit heavier. But, as a lover of lightweight leather, it's my favorite of options that will fit me without being custom. Depending on humidity, you might be good even in the low 60's.

The leather feels less sturdy to me than the Todd's, but that may be deceptive because it's so... Luxurious.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by Michaelson »

My soon to be son-in-law has wore his 30th anniversary USW lambskin I gave him to Disney World for the past 2 years, so they're comfortable in Orlando.

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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by soulman »

I'm glad to hear that it's wearable in the Orlando area cause' that's where I'm moving to. Also, having owned the Todd's, if this one is close in weight, then I can hardly wait until it gets here. I've had the "Legend" model before in steer but regrettably parted with it. So I know we'll how the lamb will fit as the pattern is the same.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by Michaelson »

That's what his is as well, and he loves it. :M: :tup:

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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by Gorak »

The US Wings featherweight Legend that I had was the most lightweight jacket I have EVER owned. I loved the patina, the drape, the fit, everything except the lining and that inevitably made me get rid of it.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by soulman »

I've owned quite a few USW indy jackets over the years and have to agree that the lining was one of the reasons I would end up parting with it. That's no to say I hated it but I personally found it to be not would I would have picked if the option existed. I was always partial to G&B's lining over all the others that were out there. But that's just me...
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by CM »

What is it about the Wings lining?
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by soulman »

For me, I would say that it's a matter of durability and comfort. I'm simply partial to G&B's lining because it's (for me) a nice balance of both. I've found USW to be a little less durable and at times of higher Temps, less comfortable. But that's just my humble opinion...
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by Michaelson »

Mixed feelings about the USW lining. :-k

The slick lining is perfect is cold weather and long sleeves, more 'elegant' and only used in higher end garments, but definitely limits the wear time as once the weather gets warm, the lining tends to stick to your arms with short sleeve shirts.

Oddly enough, that wasn't an issue with the lambskin, but the heavier leathers, yes.

If you get the lining like they have in the G2 or A2 flight jackets (like they do in some of the Signature series), it's comparable to the G&B lining in wear and wear ability, though not the same material.

Agreed, though....the G&B lining is also my favorite and I wear my Expedition prototype lambskin a LOT, but still, the USW lining works in a variety of ways and temperatures.

JMO, though, but what I've experienced over the years, and I've had DOZENS of USW's jackets go through my inventory at one time or the other. :TOH:

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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by CM »

Thanks M and S interesting info on the lining high can sometimes be a weakspot (literally) in a jacket.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by Busterjones »

I have been wearing this same jacket for a year now. I wear it out and about all the time.
It's a super luxurious leather and has that fashion jacket look to it. If you want it to look rough your definitely going to have to put some work into it. As far as aging naturally the only thing I've noticed is some creasing in the arms, better drape and a few subtle scratches and scuffs.
Honestly it still looks pretty much new and very "fashion-y" though. People who compliment it are always surprised when I tell them it's my Indy jacket. They say they never would have thought that. Maybe that's a bad thing lol!!! I'm sure it's because I haven't beat it up at all.
It does however scratch very easy, for example the dog jumped on me and her nails left slight scratch marks. That probably wouldn't have happened on cow or goat but like I said this is a very soft and luxurious leather.
Temp wise I wore it in spring and fall just fine and even on some cool summer nights just cause I wanted to. It's a very comfortable and easy to wear jacket for sure.
Overall I love it and am very happy with it.
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Re: USW "Featherweight" jacket

Post by ritnecrowin »

This was my first leather jacket and first Indy jacket...and I just purchased it a few months ago...
Personally, I find it very comfortable...but it is very hot to wear when the weather is 67 degrees and up... I was surprised by that actually...but I guess leather doesn't breathe and holds body heat maybe? (Plus I'm a bit chubby and get hot easily)

I was going to distress it, but the leather seems delicate and I'm concerned to reminds me of supple glove leather... so I'm questioning the durability in the long run.

Also, some of the stitching in the lining is starting to fray already... I've been wearing it for about 20 minutes a day for two months.... so that seems WAY to quick for that IMHO.

Overall though, I'm VERY happy with it...especially for $200!
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