Hey guys. Been a long long time since I was on here. Wife bought me a new Fed IV Deluxe for Christmas. Took two months to ship and then spent two weeks in customs but it finally came. My old Fed IV got a little hole in the pinch and it's fallen down mountains, into puddles,on gravel etc over years of hiking and such etc over the years as my main "adventure hat," a role it will continue to fill, but I wanted my daily wear hat to look nice. So I've wanted a new Fed IV Deluxe (price-side, I'd like more but . . . )
So anyway, I had a tight Raiders style pinch in my old one, and I thought I'd go with the looser CS style with this new one. Seems hard to pull off on their block, but I came pretty close. I'm satisfied for now, though the slight lack of symmetry in the bottom of the pinch (the top of the "triangle") will driv me nuts eventually.... hat OCD, a dread disease. Anyway, wondering what this august company will make of it.