Dangerfreak wrote:Crickey, the past two pages have been an interesting read, and apparently a cautionary tale for manufacturers claiming to have a definitive version of an Indy gear item. The screen shots posted up show quite a variety of boot shades within the same film. There are so, so many variables from the lighting, the level of distressing and environmental conditions such as, earthy jungle temple or desert sand. Even the colour balance on a T.V could effect what a person considers to be screen accurate. Is it even possible to get a definitive shade that pleases everyone?
Of course studio lighting influences perception. Distressing is easy enough to replicate in the eye of the beholder. The same way everyone long ago "settled" on the color of the Raiders jacket (good luck with lighting and perception research on that one!), so can they on the boots. I think most folks agree that Aldens' 70s-era medium brown in calf/cow leather would nail it. The timeline alone should speak for itself, given that the 405 was only offered in one color and leather around the time. Add sand and character to taste.
Just throwing this out there, but there are vintage Alden 405s on ebay right now size 9 EEE. They appear to be in perfect condition and claim to be from the 50's. I didn't know if anyone saw these yet. I figured they would be at least good for historical reference to the original Indy boot, leather, color, etc.
Please let me know if were not allowed to post ebay links. I can edit to remove this if needed as I unfortunately do not own the boots being sold.
Just throwing this out there, but there are vintage Alden 405s on ebay right now size 9 EEE. They appear to be in perfect condition and claim to be from the 50's. I didn't know if anyone saw these yet. I figured they would be at least good for historical reference to the original Indy boot, leather, color, etc.
Please let me know if were not allowed to post ebay links. I can edit to remove this if needed as I unfortunately do not own the boots being sold.
I have followed these from their initial ebay listing. They started out on ebay with these weird lifts installed on the sole, almost like it had two heels. Then they sold and were listed on Grailed with the lifts removed. They sold there, and now are back on ebay. I'd buy, but I'm a 10.5D in 405 boots.