So, a few weeks ago a friend spilled some orange juice onto the crown of my sand AB. I tried my best to wash it off but it seemed like the felt was stained. I was resigned to sending it to John to clean but was hesitant since I didn't want the hat disassembled to preserve the pedigree.
I finally had the idea to lightly wash the stained area with soapy water worked. The stain is gone. Has anyone ever tried that method before? Do you guys have any other cleaning methods that you find have worked well? Are there methods we should stay away from? I'm interested in knowing how we maintain that nice clean look (for those that aren't going for the SoC look )
I've used soapy water on my AB, I've gotten it completely wet, squirted a tiny bit of soap on it and washed it, rinsed it, then put it on a block.
I've also dumped it into a bucket of White Gas to clean it. Then put it on block.
please don't try cleaning it yourself. once you do that and can't get it clean. That means when you do decide to send it to me. I may not be able to clean it.
best thing to do is not touch it and send it to me. I don't charge for cleaning a Penman or a AB and I don't have to strip it down to do it.
Last edited by BendingOak on Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Actually, an AB makes a great pitcher.
I never got to drink it. It was being served to our table... A whole platter of cups, right in!
Back when it happened, Steve told me that if there were small spots, and it hasn't had time to soak in, I could try a light sanding, which would remove the surface fibers. That concept terrified me. Would not have done it. But, it wasn't necessary. The liner, though... Ew.