I've been an Indy Fan since I first saw raiders back in 2000 when I was in 7th grade in Junior High, my first hat was a Dorfman Pacific purchased at the Indy Shop in Disneyland, being a pre-teen the only size that fitted me was a medium which of the 2 options had the less accurate colors, the ribbon being of a light brown and the felt a pecan shade, only the large had the right colors, but for me being the Official Indiana Jones hat was good enough for me, even the reason that it was made of wool for me it was like it was a top hat.
Back home after watching the movies again several times, I noticed how inaccurate my hat was, also that from movie to movie it was different and I couldn't understand why, for me in each movie it was the same hat, I tried to bash it SA with no success, I removed the pin on the bow with some pliers, even tried to add a wire between the overwelt edge on the brim to have it swoop as on the screen-used ones, finally ended up cutting with scissors the overwelt since I noticed the screen-used hat did not had that

. After speaking with an uncle who at the time wore nice hats he told me the Indy hat was a Stetson, he probably thought so due to the advertisement it had during the 80's.
At around 2006 searching for whips I ended up at Todd's page if I'm not mistaken and I discovered that the actual movie hat was a Herbert Johnson breaking my belief in being a Stetson, priced at around 250 dlls at that time if I remember correctly, I didn't had the money to buy what to me was a very expensive hat, so I just left it in my memory to in a future buy the REAL Indy hat. During a camping with some friends I took the hat and one of them borrowed it during the last day, I finally left home and remembered I forgot the hat, he told me I could go to his house to get it back, I ended up telling him to keep it since he lived quite far and in my head I just thought "It's not even screen accurate

Since April this year (thanks to the return of Star Wars

) I became a RPF member searching SW props info and then for Indy stuff, finally ending up researching IndyGear and the World famous COW

after getting a W&G bag, and a WPG Indy shirt, I decided to spend some extra bucks on a SA and well worth hat, the choices are A LOT, and I think it's probably the toughest choice to make, since a beaver JP or AB are out of my budget right now, I decided to go with what most of us have chosen, the Herbert Johnson Poet, did some research and found adVintage from Germany, after some back and fort messages with Thomas I ordered the hat on Nov 10th and got it on Black Friday, I was NOT Disappointed, for me the felt was silkier than I imagined, and very pliable, I ordered it open-crowned since I still wasn't sure what bash I wanted, the only downside the hat has is the taper, and the bow work, but having paid $223 dlls TOTAL for it instead $470 from Swaine Adeney it didn't matter, I'm planning on having it re-block soon, for now I myself gave the ribbon a more accurate look without unsewing it, and a raiders bash thanks to BendingOak's video.
Well I'll end the chat chat, here are the pics.
Notice the taper
3 second quick bash
Final Bash
And this is the bow work evolution, the first one is courtesy from Thomas since I did not had chance to take the first picture, still not 100% SA but I'm getting to it.
I'm also planning on getting myself a tougher beaver hat later on.