Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

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Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Kokopelli »


I've been wearing my replacement new 405's since I got them and loving them. With one exception. The left shoe squeaks.
non. stop. squeak.

I thought the sound was coming from the tongue rubbing against the shoe, and possibly the leather lining it has, and it would eventually break-in and stop.
After many wearings the squeaking has not even lessened a little bit. I looked at them last night to see if I could determine the source. It appears to be coming from the back of the shoe, where the heel meets the upper.


http://s22.photobucket.com/user/kokopel ... 9.mp4.html

Yes, it is that loud when I walk!
I tried a few drops of Pecards boot oil in between the heel and the upper, but nothing changed.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

Well. No sneaking up on nazis in those puppies. :CR:

I do wonder if a small dab of beeswax would do it.

Could it also be the steel shank inside rubbing ?
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by captblitzdawg »

I had this problem with the jackboots I got for my X-Wing uniform. On the Rebel Legion forums they suggested that squeaking boots are silenced with some baby powder poured down into the heels under the insole. the other option was to replace the insole. The powder helped a little, but when I replaced the insole it made all the difference. Hope that helps!
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Ridgerunner58 »

Yes. Talcum powder is the usual fix for a squeaky boot. :TOH:
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by youngjedi71 »

that is ridiculous..and that is just keeping it rated G for the forums soft ears. send back..get money back..Chinese knockoffs would be better.. :tdown:
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

Well now that's not a very encouraging thing to say.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by erikgunnlugson »

Any update on these squeeky shoes? Did you try the powder? Did it work? I have got a squeaky Jackboot that I can't get rid of.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by fifthchamber »

youngjedi71 wrote:that is ridiculous..and that is just keeping it rated G for the forums soft ears. send back..get money back..Chinese knockoffs would be better.. :tdown:
Not very useful, nor especially ridiculous either actually? I've had more than a couple pairs of shoes that squeaked initially, and settled in as I wore them, or changed with the powder suggestions above...Not especially "beyond belief", or worthy of ridicule...My dress Oxfords from Bates are similar...And it's just what it is....
I don't see where the need for a "G-rated" comment comes from? Nor the "Chinese knockoffs are better" bit either? Handmade shoes are handmade, and some might have a mm or so that needs to be "snugger" on an individuals foot...Nothing that Chinese companies would do any better is there?
Aldens (sadly) aren't fitted directly to our feet and made as we watch....But they're still one of the best shoes I've had the pleasure of wearing.....My Bates are great too actually...Even when they did squeak a little...
Ah well....All the advice above is useful.....Mike, your comment is a bit bombastic, and out of place.... :TOH:
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

Well if it helps I am a Jedi line my father before me.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by fifthchamber »

Jeremiah wrote:Well if it helps I am a Jedi line my father before me.
Confusion leads to stress, stress leads to anger, anger leads to the Dark Side....

I think you'll find... :D
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Kokopelli »

erikgunnlugson wrote:Any update on these squeeky shoes? Did you try the powder? Did it work? I have got a squeaky Jackboot that I can't get rid of.
I was able to get some powder down in there, on top of the heel I guess; which the fact that there is a gap between the upper and the heel disturbs me, and may be One reason they squeak...
It did muffle the tone of the squeak but did not eliminate it.
I think Alden's quality is much poorer than a decade ago. There is already substantial loss of color on the upper in the usual areas, something that took years of wear with my old ones.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Michaelson »

Kokopelli wrote:I think Alden's quality is much poorer than a decade ago. There is already substantial loss of color on the upper in the usual areas, something that took years of wear with my old ones.
Unfortunately, I think you're dead on target with this one remark. :|

Regard! M
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

I agree with you that the quality has gone down heel. Pun intended.

Gaps between my uppers and heels on both my 403s and natural CRX.
Shoemart did right by making the quality control issues more palatable.

I would say Harrison Ford himself might look elsewhere for work boots if he bought a current pair of these. At least at the current price. In other words, while I still feel these are quality boots, I don't think they should have so many QC issues out the gate even if they may only be cosmetic issues.

I do recommend shoemart and their customer care though.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Glenville86 »

I have 3-pairs of them. Dark Brown, Regular Indy and a burnished tan. While I think they are quality boots, I would have to say from wearing them for several weeks that some of my less expensive ankle boots are more comfortable. I am seriously considering putting inserts in the 403 and 405 to see if that helps more.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

The only thing I fear is someone who knows me besides Dan will see how much I am spending on Indy Gear. Not proud of it. :CR:
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by fifthchamber »

Ahhh...Now that IS an "issue", aye.....I will say that while I agree that Aldens recently, seem to have moved in somewhat the wrong direction as regards customer service and quality, my (now slightly older) pair have stood up wonderfully and remained solid...So there IS real value in paying more...Just as long as the company doesn't move the goalposts....Recently, Zimmerli (Switzerland handmade underwear company) did the same thing, abandoning their old line and deciding to go "bigger", at the expense of quality control and service....It's a bit baffling really, but I suppose that the idea always has to be to make more cash, for less, and that always means a loss of quality eh? It's annoying......

I still think that the more directly "handmade" items I've bought for Indy, the jacket, the shoes, the trousers, shirt, belts, and hat, are STILL some of the best made items of clothing I own....And have lasted accordingly well....BUT...They come at a cost....And like you, I'd blanch to actually list what that cost IS up to right now.....

It's expensive, this lark.... :-k
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

Speaking of quality.
Just discovered this. Bummed as I only had these a few weeks. Now they are going back to see what gives.

I moved this pic to a more on topic thread. Sorry.
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by cm289 »

I've had my 404s for a few years and they don't squeak . What they do, is 'pffft' with every step. Pffft pffft pffft! Just started doing it recently. Like there's a small pocket of air escaping from under the ball of my foot. Aggravating.

I still love the boots, though.

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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by RedburnIV »

I get that too CM! I've heard that in an old pair and a newer pair.

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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Indiana Strones »

It's probably just a matter of time (and use).

http://indygear.com/cow/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=43318" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Michaelson »

Hey, as we get older, we all go 'pfffffft' every now and again. Nothing new here. [-(

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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by cm289 »

Hahaha! Good point!

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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Kokopelli »

well, I have slinkered back in here for an update: I am pleased to say that after dubious powderings, the squeak turned into a sort of muffled 'click', and as of about 2 weeks ago, I haven't heard anything from it! :clap:

Now, that being said, the shoe as a whole still creaks and squeaks when I move my foot around...the left one only.

Also, buyer beware of $520 new Aldens...the leather finish, the stitching, and the outsoles are no where near the quality of my older ones.

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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Michaelson »

Bravo! :M: :tup:

Agreed, the reports I've been reading lately of received Alden's have been less than 'impressive'.

Looks like 'we're' buy provenance anymore rather than the original quality.

Sad indeed. :(

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Squeaks...why did it have to be Squeaks!!!

Post by Jeremiah »

I can chime in here. I own a recently new pair of 405s. While I don't mind as much about how the finish wears, I can say that the leather under the laces on the vamps has worn considerably. Also he leather over the backs of the eyelets are wearing and a few tiny holes appearing. This will rub holes in the tongue I anticipate when the eyelets are fully exposed. Still I love them.
Just not for the price they are at currently.
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