First up, I've had an order in with Dusty at Crease N Corral which had finally arrived! I'm working on a Temple of Doom set-up at the moment so went with his 8ft Temple of Doom "Aged" and it's such a great piece of work. It's also so fluid and easy to crack straight out of the box! Looks very pretty too!

Around the same time I'd gotten my email notifying me of it being completed and shipped I saw dnshade selling a 2004 8ft David Morgan in the Cairo Bazaar and jumped straight on it at the chance of owning an original David Morgan Indy whip.
Another awesome looking whip:

And lastly just a shot of my whips together along with my Todd's 10ft I picked up a couple years back when I did my first Indy build. It was a great affordable whip to start out with but you can definitely feel the jump in quality and craftsmanship with the other two in comparison!