Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

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Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Glenville86 »

I figure many of us have bought an Indy Jacket we were not happy with for one reason or another. What were your experiences with those jackets?

I have bought quite a few and a couple stick out.

A custom Wested Raiders Jacket in Soft Seal Brown Cowhide. Great jacket and the leather was uniform everywhere but the collar. One side was matching and the other side had a dino/croc pattern. The one side did not match the rest of the jacket. Just bugged me to death. Ended up giving it to charity.

The USW Signature Series Vintage Cowhide Indy-Style Adventurer Jacket. I don't like tight or form fitting jackets but this one is cut very large. The external measurements are perfect but it makes me feel like I am a kid wearing my Dad's jacket. Still kept it though.

Honorable mention: Wested Hero's Jacket in Pre-Distressed Cowhide. Right size and fit. Just not sure this pattern is for me. Still kept it. Think it would be better in a lighter weight leather.

I have many other jackets by both manufactures and they are excellent.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Texan Scott »

hmmm...some of the best fitting Indy jackets I have owned were Westeds, copper N/P. Got a really good fit from a G&B, but I have sometimes wished they offered a more natural looking tanned hide, myself. BK is maybe the best all arounder out there, if you can stomach the price tag.

Ultimately, accepting these jackets is kinda' like accepting a friend, warts and all, strengths and weaknesses, too. For instance, I think that in terms of the thickness & texture of the skin, weight, etc., Todd's is one of the best at reproducing the Hero jacket, but the details have veered slightly over the years. I really like the buckles on these. I think Ray did a side by side with several other jackets, others costing alot more, and consistently I chose one of the Todd's. Give me a thinner yoke and flaps and we'll call it good. Still for $200, its a solid play. It's what you like and can get used to. Take a jacket, break it in, and put some real adventuring into it, and that is when it becomes one, and not necessarily out of the box. I like an accurate repro., but a true Indy jacket isn't made, it becomes one; lived in and used, that is when it retains the flavor.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by backstagejack »

This is nothing at all against their product. But for some reason I've never been happy with my USW Indy jackets. I've had two and sold them with barely wearing them. I just didn't like the cut and/design. And to each their own really.

Again, nothing against their product. It was very well made. :TOH:
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Michaelson »

Ironically, I've NEVER EVER been a fan of the Raider's pattern, which is why I'd have to say if I HAD to pick a least favorite in terms of fit, it would have to be my G&B Expo, even though I love mine to death (I have two prototypes and was involved in its development), I've never liked the 'off the shoulder' pattern. SA....never been a fan.

Best fit, Magnoli, followed VERY closely by the USW Legend pattern.

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Considering we're all gear fans, it's amazing how different our preferences can run. Between that and how clothing fits everybody differently, it is important to to realize that disliking or not favoring something like a specific jacket is not necessarily an indication of poor quality.

In addition, I have not owned, or even been near, all jacket offerings. I have mostly owned US Wings variations, with a Magnoli, 2 Westeds, an an old Cooper from the Fan Club days. Of those, I liked the Westeds the least. The patterns never bothered me, but even by the standards of the Indy jacket, I found they were both too short. And I asked for extra length on one. The other was supposed to be the longer ToD pattern.

I did dislike 2 US Wings jackets enough to send back; a Signature Series brown goatskin (much too big, despite already having a black one of the same size that fit like it was custom-made), and a more recent Legend. I forget which Legend it was, but I recall it looked beautiful. I just felt it the hide wasn't "me." (I've been pretty good at picking hides I like, otherwise).
All of my other US Wings jackets, despite all fitting differently, have made me quite happy.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by youngjedi71 »

I like everything about my otr Wested except the jacket in my opinion is way too short. Needs to be another 3" longer to be actually comfortable and not rising up..I dont like that part at all. IF money was no object I would buy from another vendor and get it custom..
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Glenville86 »

My first couple Wested Jackets were OTR and I ordered them in my regular size of 48. They were just too form fitting for me but did fit. I passed them along and any other Wested Jackets I bought were size 50. A much looser fit in the upper body but what I like personally.

It is funny how the Indy jackets are sized even within the same company with some manufacturers. My Kelso is a 48L and was tweaked a good bit from their normal 48. G&B 48 Tall fits well. Wings sizing seems to be quite different with their different models.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Ravenswood »

I have a Wested custom Raiders from around 2010- it was just before the time the Hero was being developed. It's got a lot of features that the Hero ended up having, but it didn't do the off the shoulder look, and it ended up being too short as a result. I was always trying to stretch it out, sleeves and front panels....until on a few occasions, I heard stitches pop :shock: and that was all she wrote. The tears got longer and longer, ultimately giving me the perfect excuse to order myself a hero...or two ;)

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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Duck9000 »

I tried a few times until I got the one I fallen in love with: a Custom Wested 38, a Hero Wested 44, a Hero Wested 42 an a Bill Kelso Relic Hunter 42. All of them too short, too long, too bright and so on

This is the one (for now :D), size 40
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I always feel a bit out of place here when it comes to jackets.

My first Indy jacket was a Wested (c2000). All sorts of non-SA. Loved it then, love it now.


My second jacket was the USW Legend in Bison. Got it because of the skin. Technically I had two. My first was a medium, but I felt like a stuffed sausage so I exchanged for a large. Loved it.


Sold it to buy a G&B Expo that's made the rounds through members here. (No, Dawg, I'm not interested in selling or trading. ;) )

I would have kept the Legend except I've made a commitment to limit myself to 2 Indy jackets.

The Expo definitely has the 'off the shoulder' fit that feels a little funky, but only when the jacket is worn unzipped and is still comfortable regardless.


The only 'itch' I ever felt for an Indy jacket was the long out-of-stock Expos in veg-tanned goat. That's the jacket I jumped on when it became available.


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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by midgettem1 »

I've been a little disappointed in my Wested ROLA in shrunken lamb. I had purchased a Wested Goatskin some years ago off ebay and loved the skin and the fit of the jacket- but it was a size 40, and the sleeves were just a little short for me. As a result, I gave the jacket to my cousin and purchased the Wested ROLA in shrunken lamb as a replacement. I purchased a 42 with slightly longer sleeves than my old goatskin, thinking that would fit just about perfect. Unfortunately, the 42 in SL is much roomier than the goatskin was, especially in the elbow area of the arms. It just seems way too roomy, almost "baggy" on me. This led to the purchase of the US Wings Kangaroo skin- I'm hoping that one works out a little better. Still deciding if I want to keep the SL or pass it on to a better home.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Captain D »

Lambskin, in general, never had one that 'didn't' rip on me at some point or another... ;)
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by didier »

I recently bought on eBay a jacket Raiders from Wested. I'm satisfied with it but the back length seems to me a little short...or maybe ist it an impression... What do you think of this?
I heard that the jacket on Raiders was 23 inches back length and Ford is 6 ft 1 tall... My jacket is 24,8 inches and I'm 6 ft tall, I do not quite understand :-k .
Thank for your advices!



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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Texan Scott »

The Raiders jacket was supposed to be on the short side and this one looks good. It's about body proportions too. Some have long legs and a short torso and vice versa. Live in it and watch it become a hero jacket. ;)

There can be a discrepancy between reported height and actual. I've met Joel Osteen and he is listed as 6' but actual is more like 5'8". Go figure. People in the public eye are usually hyped as larger than life. Be yourself and own the jacket that fits you best. Carry the "flavor". Life is the big adventure. Not the made up one, but yours.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Glenville86 »

Jacket looks like a good fit. For a long time I wore 3/4 length leather jackets. When I got my first Indy Jacket, it was an adjustment to get used to the shorter jacket.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by didier »

Texan Scott wrote: Be yourself and own the jacket that fits you best. Carry the "flavor". Life is the big adventure. Not the made up one, but yours.
Wise words, Texan Scott...
In fact, I have four Indy wested jacket in all, in standard sizing...All of them are 26.5 inches back length and fit me very well. This jacket seems different from the others . The vendor certified to me it was a standard sizing, but I think it is a custom made in fact...
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Nitz146 »

Texan Scott wrote:Life is the big adventure. Not the made up one, but yours.
Perfect. Love this quote
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

If you think it's too short, than it's too short. :D

Many period leather jackets from the 30s and 40s were short. Bottom hem of the jacket would just cover the belt, for a truly waist length fit. But if that doesn't feel right for you, wear something longer.

As to jackets that I wasn't satisfied with, that would be the two that I've owned from US Wings. I had the opposite problem with them, as they were far too long and roomy.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by didier »

Nitz146 wrote:
Texan Scott wrote:Life is the big adventure. Not the made up one, but yours.
Perfect. Love this quote
Lol...In fact ,I'm just asking some advices from jacket's connoisseur, not two dollar philosophy...
In any case ,thank you all... :TOH:
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Kt Templar »

Forrest For the Trees wrote:If you think it's too short, than it's too short. :D

Many period leather jackets from the 30s and 40s were short. Bottom hem of the jacket would just cover the belt, for a truly waist length fit. But if that doesn't feel right for you, wear something longer.

As to jackets that I wasn't satisfied with, that would be the two that I've owned from US Wings. I had the opposite problem with them, as they were far too long and roomy.
QFT. Wouldn't change a word!
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Zoltar »

If I was "satisfied" I wouldn't have a good excuse to keep buying another and another and another........!

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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Michaelson »

Forrest For the Trees wrote:As to jackets that I wasn't satisfied with, that would be the two that I've owned from US Wings. I had the opposite problem with them, as they were far too long and roomy.
I know the Signature Series are cut more generously than others. Did you try the Legend pattern? Completely different story for me.

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Texan Scott »

What I was trying to say with that quote partially, was that in order to really get a better perspective of the jacket, it needs to be worn and broken in. I think sometimes, we base our decisions to keep or het rid of a jacket when it is brand new, and not worn or broken in. I liken it to buying new shoes, and then taking them back because they do not fit as comfortably, as the old pair. If I were you, I'd be tempted to get the jacket wet and wear it around until it was dry, then you begin to see wrinkles and character marks. The fit is usually better. It takes awhile for a jacket and its leather to "relax", for the folds to work themselves out, for the leather to breathe, etc.

In conjunction with this, I like to see members taking a jacket such as this and maybe some of the "flavor" of these films, 'spirit of adventure', and what have you, and living their lives. Inspiration can come from even a fictional character. Usually, I say something slightly different but changed it not sure why, but here is the quote, Life IS the big adventure. Live it to the full!

....and not living vicariously by hanging on a website ;)
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Michaelson »

LOL! You're preaching to the choir, old friend. I've been telling folks that for literally decades at Indyfan, IndyDiggs, and here, but no one listens. :lol:


Regard! M
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Texan Scott »

...just put a 'lil force behind it, big dawg! :P
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Michaelson »

SURRREeeeee. :roll: ;)
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by didier »

Texan Scott wrote:What I was trying to say with that quote partially, was that in order to really get a better perspective of the jacket, it needs to be worn and broken in. I think sometimes, we base our decisions to keep or het rid of a jacket when it is brand new, and not worn or broken in. I liken it to buying new shoes, and then taking them back because they do not fit as comfortably, as the old pair. If I were you, I'd be tempted to get the jacket wet and wear it around until it was dry, then you begin to see wrinkles and character marks. The fit is usually better. It takes awhile for a jacket and its leather to "relax", for the folds to work themselves out, for the leather to breathe, etc.

In conjunction with this, I like to see members taking a jacket such as this and maybe some of the "flavor" of these films, 'spirit of adventure', and what have you, and living their lives. Never underestimate where inspiration can come from, even a fictional character. Usually, I say something slightly different but this time I changed it slightly not sure why, but here is the quote, Life IS the big adventure. Live it to the full!

....and not living vicariously by hanging on a website ;)

That is for sure that many members here are living by hanging on a website. Moerever, they hide behind a "pen name", not "authentic" for me...
I have too Indy jackets with real life... not subjet of my questioning here...

Below one example of one of my jackets (see wrinkles...)


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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Texan Scott »

...and not that I'm trying to be critical, I like to live adventures of my own and see others do the same, but I really like these last photos. Is this an old Wested? To me, an Indy jacket isn't made, necessarily, it becomes one. It seems the more you do to them the better they look, and undoubtedly the better they fit..?
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by didier »

Yes , it's an old Wested in predistressed cowhide, Texan Scott.
I also hate smooth and shiny new leather jackets, like a new lambskin from Wested. I like "breaking" naturally my jackets by wearing them in all weathers...
the jacket which seems to me too short in pics above is a Wested lambskin totally new,never worn before, bought on e-bay a few days ago...And I'll use it with pleasure to give a little character...
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by MARQ »

When ordering my Wested I made a lot of research and still managed to get it wrong.I'm size 44 and I ended up ordering a 46; "wanted to wear layers".If I'd do it again I'd go either shrunken or auth.brown lamb. and size 44.BTW when it's zipped this "bump" forms when I sit..and drives me nuts!
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by ron521 »

My first "Indy" jacket was a Signature Series "VIP" cowhide, which I liked very much and still have. I then purchased a G&B which had a slightly more screen accurate appearance, but fit strangely compared to the USW product....i.e. the overall sleeve length was fine, but it was achieved by making shoulders too wide and sleeves too short, which causes the jacket to sort of want to slide off my shoulders unless zipped up. The USW is doesn't do this and is comfortable whether zipped up or unzipped. I decided to sell the G&B and used the funds to purchase ANOTHER Signature Series, in black goat. After a couple of years, I purchased a THIRD Signature Series in brown goat. So I have three of these jackets, all the same size, and have very positive feelings toward all of them. The quality of materials and construction and the fit is simply perfect, they just FEEL good to wear. If I could modify them, the only feature I would change would be to make the upper portion of the sleeves slightly less roomy, approximately the width of the G&B sleeves.
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Michaelson »

ron521 wrote:i.e. the overall sleeve length was fine, but it was achieved by making shoulders too wide and sleeves too short, which causes the jacket to sort of want to slide off my shoulders unless zipped up.
That's the Raiders pattern and how it's supposed to perform....and what I was referring to above in my reply. :TOH:

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Indy Jackets You Were Not Quite Satisified With

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

My holy grail of Indy jackets was my Nowak(s), and while I don't regret getting them, I was never quite satisfied with the fit, especially in the arms.

On me, it always was huge, and while I eventually got a jacket that fit perfectly from Tony, I sent it back to Riley for repairs right before he decided to quit the Indy business. And despite repeated attempts at contacting him, I never got my jacket back again.

But I digress. Back on topic, it makes sense that the jacket arms were huge. Tony was used to fitting weight lifters, and while I am not anorexic skinny, I certainly would never be mistaken for a bodybuilder. The icing on the cake that I recently read about in an interview was that Bernie Pollack also asked Tony to make the jacket arms a bit bigger to fit the stunt pads underneath, so Tony's CS jackets always were a bit bigger in the arms to be screen accurate...

I still love those jackets though, but I just wish I had that one jacket that got away... (or should I say was never returned)
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