The show American Shooter ( ) on OLN paid a visit to Stembridge Gun Rentals.[b]( )[/b] wrote:Two Smith and Wesson revolvers were used in the filming of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The one used at Elstree studios and in Tunisia was rented from Bapty's in London and will be known as the Bapty gun. The S&W used in Hawaii and for the close up in Indy's home was supplied by Stembridge Gun Rentals of Glendale, California.

According to the show, Syd Stembridge (shown above) is now the 3rd generation owner of the company. They have been supplying guns to movies for a long time. His company has supplied guns to movies like Rambo, Terminator 2, 1941, Dick Tracy and many more.

Here is taking a gun used in the movie Dick Tracy. The ammo are blanks, naturally. But, packed with powder to produce a larger than life flash so it can be seen well on screen.

They have a Class 10 FFL which allows them to manufacture or modify full-auto weapons for the movies. The Vulcan gun shown here is the one featured in the movie Armageddon.
Unfortunately, they didn't mention our favorite Smith & Wesson, but they did show a room full of revolvers.