Now, we all know that the sword Indy takes from the Thuggee guard was a stunt sword, and therefore wasn't very heavy. You can actually see it "float" as it disappears over the cliff. So I had my wife hold my stunt sword, made out of very light wood. CRACK! My whip latched onto the sword and I pulled it out of her hands, no problem. It actually got airborne. I totally felt like Indy.
So I thought, "I wonder what it would be like to try and whip an ACTUAL metal sword out of someone's hands, the way it was supposed to have been in the movie." So I gave her my steel Temple of Doom sword. After about 5 minutes of trying, I got her to drop the sword a couple of times, but that was it. I couldn't get it to fly out of her hand like you see in the movie because once again, this was the heavy sword and not the light stunt version as in the film.
With all that said, I don't know if it's because she knew it was coming and held on tighter or if the sword was simply too heavy, but I would have to call this "trick" Plausible, but HIGHLY unlikely. I'm not saying you couldn't disarm a swordsman with a whip, but the sword definitely wouldn't go flying... This is about as likely as wrapping a whip on telephone wires and swinging on it to crash into a room, and then retrieving the whip with one wrist flick.
Anyway, just thought some of you might find it interesting to know what is reality vs movie magic.
