Regardless of what type felt (though I'm usually wearing a beaver felt), I always store mine in a file drawer here by my desk sitting on its crown. Never had any problems at all.
At home I keep the hat I'm currently wearing sitting on the top of a hall tree, and the ones I'm NOT wearing in their shipping box.
All that said, keep in mind, your hat is a tool. It's made to be used as a cover for your head, no matter WHAT the weather. Don't misuse it, but don't baby it either. That's why we have professional hatmakers. They can reblock, clean and rebuild hats after a hard life of least they can the GOOD ones like yours.....but don't lose sight of the fact, it's a tool first and foremost. Enjoy it.
Ravenswood wrote:
With all the discussion about how the felt holds out, I have to say my concern lies more with the ribbon. Let me know if you think this is something I can clean (and believe me, I have been up and down the subject of getting rid of stains on a ribbon, be they water or sweat), replace the ribbon, or do you think I should just stick with it an chalk it up to a lovingly worn hat? You know how we Indy gear fanatics can get
Whaddya think? Replace? Clean? or live with it? lol. I can tell you I'd rather have a spiffy and non-stained ribbon-- but this is an INDY gear site, and I think most of us here would likely get over it as Indy would definitely have.
My AB beaver Sahara colored 'Michaelson' fedora has water marks on the ribbon. I chalk them up to being a lovingly worn hat and no one notices them except me. If you want to go the route of replacing the ribbon, Garrison Hatters (Local Land Surveyor) has the closest ribbon you can get to the stuff used by AB and Penman. He at one time sold the ribbon on its own so it would be worth checking with him.
Just an FYI, any felt hat that gets its core soaked will shrink and tapper ( that inlcudes beaver). After all it's just matted hair. The thing is the hair by nature on a beaver is better suited for water. Think of the two animals. When it rains, rabbit hides in a hole, beaver goes out to play.
I was asking about the ribbon. I felt my hat held its shape well (pun intended)...but the RIBBON. THAt's the weak link in any fedora imo. No takers on the subject?
In any case, I read a neat trick in another forum about how one can darken the ribbon using mink oil with lanolin and silicone. Looks good on paper, and in picture.
As to the use of mink oil etc, nope, I'd not recommend it. Any animal by-product attracts bugs and critters that LOVE to feed on the stuff, and it's used on leather...not cloth.
I'd suggest either cleaning the ribbon, or just replace it.
As to the use of mink oil etc, nope, I'd not recommend it. Any animal by-product attracts bugs and critters that LOVE to feed on the stuff, and it's used on leather...not cloth.
I'd suggest either cleaning the ribbon, or just replace it.
Ravenswood wrote:I was asking about the ribbon. I felt my hat held its shape well (pun intended)...but the RIBBON. THAt's the weak link in any fedora imo. No takers on the subject?
Read two posts above your post. David Garrison has great ribbon.
WooPS! Sorry Indiana Jeff! I just plane missed that! Big thanks for the suggestion, I think I will go with a replacement eventually. And Michaelson, I would take your word for it. I was iffy about putting any animal by-products into anything cloth. Down the road, it sounds like things would be getting a little shall we say, degraded
I have a special spot in one of my book cases for my hat when I'm at work. If the hat is wet, I just sit it in its usual spot in the bookcase with the front of its brim hanging off the edge.
On the subject of water-stained ribbons, there isn't much that's cooler on a(n Indy) fedora than a lightly stained ribbon. It gives the hat character and removes the 'noob' aura. Just my 2 cents.
Indiana Bugs wrote:I have a special spot in one of my book cases for my hat when I'm at work. If the hat is wet, I just sit it in its usual spot in the bookcase with the front of its brim hanging off the edge.
On the subject of water-stained ribbons, there isn't much that's cooler on a(n Indy) fedora than a lightly stained ribbon. It gives the hat character and removes the 'noob' aura. Just my 2 cents.
Indiana Bugs wrote:I have a special spot in one of my book cases for my hat when I'm at work. If the hat is wet, I just sit it in its usual spot in the bookcase with the front of its brim hanging off the edge.
On the subject of water-stained ribbons, there isn't much that's cooler on a(n Indy) fedora than a lightly stained ribbon. It gives the hat character and removes the 'noob' aura. Just my 2 cents.
Same here, I wear my fedora whenever I can. I've backpacked with it etc. The ribbon and hat looks great. It looks used but that's what I want.
Don't be. Been there, done that MANY times with my AB beavers, once dried and brushed, they're just as good (if not better) than before getting soaked.
I've been wearing hats daily for around three years now and only once have I been caught in a down pour here in West Texas. It never freaking rains here! I was wearing a beaver Vintage Silhouettes and it was soaked but unscathed. Neither my Penman or my Adventurebilt have seen much rain. It's really hard to non-artificially weather a hat in these parts. I guess that's not a bad thing, it's just not very fun!
Its dry and right as rain for the most part. I must have the ONE hat that is trying to get back to Steve. Every time it gets wet it seems to fit looser until the sweatband has dried thouroughly. Guessing the extra water it soaks up expands it. You would think this would actually make it fit more snug, but sometimes science is counter intutive.
Here it is one day after. No visible difference.
Last edited by Jeremiah on Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm not sure that's tapper or your creases got pushed in too deap. I have had several AB in for re-blocks because of taper only to find out after re-creasing them they didn't need to be reblocked.
I hear what your saying John. When i took this pic the hat had been soaked through and the weight of the water kinda smooshed it. I mean after it dried it tapered a bit and lost some brim break.