I don't know how such a thing is possible. I put on my Henry, look in the mirror and think, "D@3M I look good. Why don't my other hats look like that?!"
Is it simply the measurements and math involved? The dimensional cut brim is 6 3/10cm and 6 8/10cm. The crown is 39 1/2 by 41cm. Is the magic merely in the numbers? Or is it the placement/style of the bash? I may have to insist that any other hats I order in the future by cut to these specs. (If such a thing is even possible) I don't think this is something that is just going on in my head, that I'm not just putting on an Indy hat and believing I've become Indy.
I even love the floppy softness of it. I own pure beaver hats (both vintage and modern), and rabbit hats, even some "mystery" hats and NONE of them compare to the buttery, sinful feel of my Henry's felt. The magic must be baked into it somehow. The hat's sweatband has no equal either. How is it so soft and supple?
My Henry has set a standard by which all other future hats I own will be judged.