The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Texan Scott »

I mention that because most all of us have been there to varying degrees. You set out to find virtually that very jacket that has forever left an impression in the mind's eye, the jacket as captured on film. The dilemma is though many repros have come and gone, they still do not capture the exact same nuances. And how could they? You would have to take the exact same leather, built for the exact same frame and run it through the gauntlet, the exact same conditions, before the set and after filming. It's impossible. A few vendors have come close, but to duplicate it down to the striations, distress marks, etc. is quite the daunting task.

The jacket is and should be legendary, a prop to be admired and inspired. Maybe its best to leave it that way.

What is possible is to have a copy made that retains the same flavor. Make it yours...not his! ;)
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

100% with you there! It's the spirit of the thing that counts, and should serve to inspire us, even as we emulate what we love.
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Glenville86 »

Agree 100% as well. I have many jackets in the Indy style and like them for what they are. They will never be the movie jackets but I just enjoy the style. Make your own style wearing them. ;)
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Indiego Jones »

Tex, you are so right.

I had/have this "problem".
The cronic disease of dissatisfaction. It's mentally exhausting.
Trying to find the exact same nuance, fold, color, grain, etc.
Basically, that was what pushed me to make my own gear.

I thought that was the antidote...I was so wrong.

But, lately, I've found a certain equilibrium.
I'm more relaxed now.
It's the only way to enjoy this hobby.-
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I'm not so hung up anymore, now that I have a Kelso. :D It is so close, that I'm totally happy with it. Now if I could only replace those buckles... :-

Nowak's jacket shed a lot of light on what was missing from most reproductions. Kelso's copy matched with their striated lambskin sealed the deal.

Not to mention all the hard work put in by dozens of fans on this site creating their own patterns and details based on observations of the film jacket on screen. :notworthy:
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by CM »

Jeez I think there are a lot of dead ringer jackets for sale these days - Kelso, Todd's, Steele and Jones, even the odd Wested Hero. If you have an obsessive streak about this you'll never be entirely satisfied for long. But if that's your problem, I suspect you may have other areas in life where you're never quite satisfied.

Like some others here I never wanted the movie prop jacket made of soft leather with aluminium hardware. That's why I went with a G&B in goat. I wanted an Indy jacket like the film but with improvements.

Not only that, if you're not a screen accurate Harrison Ford, the jacket is never going to be quite the same. Nevertheless I have seen jackets here that look better than the film jacket. For me it's important to separate my enjoyment of the jacket from my enjoyment of the movie.

I've only ever owned 2 Indy's. I sold my Wested LC in goat. It was well made but was so far off the film version it annoyed me. Especially when Wested provided an absurd certificate of authenticity. After the G&B I've never bothered to get another Indy.

From what I've seen here over the years the best jackets are ones that were never distressed but were worn often and for years and became like the owner's second skin. These jackets look like Indy's even when they don't look like Indy's.
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Baldwyn »

Yeah...I'm with you there! I have two Kelso's. I love my horsehide version, but I loved it so much, I also had to get a lambskin version. The Indy jacket itch has been scratched...but now I have a Kelso obsession....
Forrest For the Trees wrote:I'm not so hung up anymore, now that I have a Kelso. :D It is so close, that I'm totally happy with it. Now if I could only replace those buckles... :-

Nowak's jacket shed a lot of light on what was missing from most reproductions. Kelso's copy matched with their striated lambskin sealed the deal.

Not to mention all the hard work put in by dozens of fans on this site creating their own patterns and details based on observations of the film jacket on screen. :notworthy:
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Gorak »

Baldwyn.....I am right there with you.... The Relic Hunter totally scratched my itch for what I felt was THE Raiders jacket. But now, I just think of what it would look like in the other leathers they show. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be an Indy jacket version!
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Holt »

My opinion is that I miss the old days of Indy when we tried to capture the magic with not very SA wested jackets.

personally I am not such a fan of all the Super SA jackets from different makers. Even tho they are very nice but it's like the itch is scrathed and that was that...
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Texan Scott »

I believe that the key to the dilemma is to choose a jacket that retains the flavor, that fits well, and in which the details are correct. It won't be an exact match, and how could it, but the idea is to make it yours. Its the inspiration that fuels the imitation.

I think it is fine to have a jacket that can be seen and immortalized, as it was on screen. After all, it's THE jacket. Somehow, I have come to the conclusion over the years that its ok to think of it as the ideal, and to know that I may never get there. Maybe that's the way it should be, and one of the reason why so many components of the film made it the 'perfect storm,' 'lightning in the bottle' of a picture? Its like a chasing after the wind, the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Cool to view and think about, but never to attain entirely. Much better to buy one jacket, your first one, and then to just 'wear and be happy'?

Contentment with enjoyment is great gain....and that is a reference to a book of wisdom. :)
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Holt »

yup, it's why I jumped off the bandwaggon of getting SA jackets. I never owned a TN, Kelso, and those high end jackets because I realized after numerous of jackets, I was never able to get THE jacket or BE Indiana jones anyways. I kinda became bored or tired with it.. In the end, it became more of the spirit of Indy to me. Super SA details are cool but the hunt for classic 80's wested jackets is much more intriguing to me...

I know I was or maby still am considered to be one of the jacket gurus of this place but take it from me. It costs money, it takes away the joy, the magic and it becomes very frustrating in the end. I jumped off. Get one fairly SA jacket and wear it!

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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Texan Scott »

U never were, Holty. Who u foolin'? :P

To me, the essence of an 'true; Indy jacket is not the one right off the cutter, but one with years and character marks on it. Proofs of adventures past. I got this one while hiking, and so on. It's like hearing a song that takes you back in time and to a certain place in life, reliving those moments.

A jacket in the spirit of adventure isn't made, it becomes one.

Now, git yer buns outta there and have at it! :whip:

Life is the big adventure. Live it to the full! ;) :tup:
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Re: The plight of Indy Jacket Fans

Post by Holt »

My name is not Holty! :TOH:
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