Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by darthjones »

Hey, Gang -

I went to the exhibit today and dang, wouldn'tcha know it - no pictures allowed!!!

The costume info. seemed off. They said Red Wing boots from Los Angeles but they sure looked like our Alden's. Costume was way Last Crusade for sure.

Me, I focus on the hat for the most part. That is my thing. It was one of those LC hats with a big difference between sides and front/ back brim. Ribbon looked to have an extra stitch too on his right side above the ear. I had my ABdlx with me to compare but guard was ticked when I held mine up to the HJ for a look.

You can get within 4 feet of it though. No glass.
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by fifthchamber »

The woman who organised the event, Deborah Nadoolman, has some issues with how well she remembers the facts of the costume she set up initially.....She'd chosen Red-Wings, and keeps pushing that, but it's clear that Ford chose to use his Alden instead, and she's never bothered to change the line she throws out now about the shoes......It's best ignored.....

She's probably right about a few things in what she remembers, but it was long enough back, and she's been busy enough since, to have created a story that she sticks to, rather than trying harder to remember the actual events....Which makes her descriptions somewhat askew with the things we can all see......

She's gone on record several times as saying that the LC jacket was the one she made for Raiders, simply because she doesn't seem to want to notice that there are several differences in the two jackets, and she had no contact with the Last Crusade version.....

Anyway.....She's not TOTALLY wrong, but she's got a story she sticks to, rather than bothering to take the time to look again at the facts and the clothing and try and remember what SHE did for them.....Grain of salt is best when listening....She's kind, and wise, and done a LOAD of clothes for films...So she's cool enough...But misses a lot too....Like any normal person would.....(We don't count...We're not "normal"...)

Shame you couldn't get any photos! I'd been hoping to see some! The video on YouTube a while back was a nice look round at it all though....And yeah, you could see in that that they'd borrowed the Last Crusade clothing, not the Raiders....
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by Gorak »

Wasn't it rumoured that the Raiders jacket originally had d-rings and they were switched out to buckles later? This would play well into her memories for as far as she was concerned, she had chosen D-Rings. Maybe she wasn't around when the switch was made or wasn't paying close attention as she had other costumes to tend to on set......
And I thought the same about the redwings...... maybe she chose redwings and at some point, Harrison mumbled to someone that he was just going with his own boots and it didn't get around to Debra.....
Or maybe I'm just being a sympathizer because she seems so charming on the YouTube video! #-o
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by Michaelson »

From past memory and conversations I've had with folks over the years, you're right about the shoes, and probably right on the rings, Gorak.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by Indiana Jeff »

There are production behind the scene pictures that show HF wearing a jacket with D rings and buckles can be seen in movie screen shots so both were used at points.


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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by darthjones »

I'd like to add that in 1990 - 1991 the LFL archives was set up such that not everything was overly categorized. There was a box of IJ hats in the archives dept. with only two hero hats set aside to differentiate themselves from all the others.

Another hero hat was on display up at the Skywalker Ranch display case.

But in that big box there were numerous HJ hats at 7 1/4. There was also a Belloq's white hat from Raiders somewhat crushed at the bottom.

Aside from labels pertaining to the LC production there were no other labels. One IJ hat that was in the box had the label, "Donovan's Appt."

There was a stunt hat in there too in my size at 7 5/8! It fit quite nicely before I had to put it back.

The jackets and shirts were all on hangers. Pants strewn about too. So the mindset, at least at that time, would have been to best assemble what was probably a hero costume from what was there. I know that things have become more organized since but I can see how it would lend itself to putting up something cool but calling it something from another cool.

The Vader outfit at the exhibit has a hero helmet and touring/ advertising chest box, etc.
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by IndyHatGuy »

I was just at the exhibit the other day. Now I visited this exhibit when it was in Arizona as well, fresh off the boat from Victoria and Albert in England. At both of those versions, the Hat and Jacket were said to have been loaned out from the Smithsonian, the LC ones. It was cool not to have to go all the way to Washington, D.C. to see those. BUT when I visited the exhibit here, the only 'on loan from' listed was the Lucas Cultural Arts Museum. I still strongly feel as if these are the Smithsonian but without pictures (thanks exhibit), I can't tell. (I paid extra special attention to things like that on those plaques. 'Who owns what' and 'what is a reproduction' made the exhibit extra fascinating.) They still CLEARLY are LC though. I'll believe Debra in her Adam Savage tour video when she says, 'Lucasfilm doesn't know what they've got.' I'm sure the KotCS stuff is set aside, racks of them for sure, but anything before LC was probably just thrown together. I love Debra too, she's a sweetheart and very dear to fans and friends like Adam, but I won't lie, it does ruffle my feathers when she mentions Red Wing and D-Rings ("D for Debra"). Also, Adam pointing to a LC jacket saying that that was the jacket she aged with Harrison is a tad jarring, BUT at least she doesn't do it with bad intentions. Also displayed is a whip, unfortunately the fall is CUT OFF. The knot is still there but from there it's just missing. I'm not a full expert but looking at it, I'd be willing to put money down that it is a LC whip. It is very interesting to see how the whip has aged into pretty much the KotCS color but it was in VERY low light. (The security guards are there less to stop pictures and more to put their flashlights on the corners of the display as they are tripping hazards.) The only thing I can really differentiate myself are:
The Shirt is LC: doesn't look new enough to be KotCS and you can't see the epaulettes to confirm. The buttons are not dark like ToD, highly doubt it is Raiders. There are only some slight abrasions to the fabric on the left breast.
The Bag MIGHT be ToD: the strap is near black and the buckle is a roller and does NOT have a bend in it.
Web Belt is LC khaki.
Weapons Belt and holster is LC.
The Pants, I'm just going out on a limb and say they're LC. If you can tell the pants apart, you are insane and my new best friend! ;)
Don't shoot the messenger BUT I think the boots might be KotCS! I would say LC but I'm not an expert on the color and the soles look VERY new, but I haven't owned Aldens either so that just might be their resilience.
That is what I noticed at least. Only thing I know is that it is going be one heck of a time trying to return this costume to its owners when the exhibit concludes! If you're looking for an accurate display of screen-used Indy Gear, this isn't it. The closest one out there now is the KotCS outfit with Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archeology. (Though even there the ONLY mistake is that the Gun Belt is on BACKWARDS.) Probably the nicest addition to the display since Arizona is the addition of the three leading ladies' costumes. Marion has a Streets of Cairo outfit, Willie's is the infamous nightclub dress, and Elsa has an outfit there as well. Overall, it is a very nice exhibit!
Sorry for rambling on, but once again, one of us is passionate about this subject! :TOH:
Last edited by IndyHatGuy on Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by Michaelson »

Excellent review! Thank you! :TOH:

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by Lee Keppler »

I've been out of it for a while. This exhibit is where? Hi Darth Jones. Get in touch.
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Re: Minor Indy Hollywood Costumes Exhibit

Post by darthjones »

Hey, Lee!

It is basically at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. However, it is separate admission. Are you going to go?!

Will PM you now anyway.
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