These are all the whips I own that are hand made by Joe Strain from Left to right

1. a pair of red, 2ft, 12 plait- mini bulls with Katana style handles
2. a pair of red, 4ft, 16 plait- loneStars Bullwhips, with 10 inch handles
3. a pair of black, 5ft, 12 plait Catwhips, with 12 inch handles
4. a pair of red, 6ft., 12 plait Catwhips with 12 inch handles
5. a pair of 7ft, black with16 plait Aussie Style Bullwhips with 12 inch handles
6. a unique 8 ft. Purple LoneStar Bullwhip with a10 inch handle (one of my fans!)
7. a half scale version of it's bigger bro (on the right) - it's a red, 4.5 ft, 12 plait Aussie style with 6 inch handle - also a silver ferules engraved with our family crest that my Awesome 99 year old grandpa designed!
8. a red 9ft. 16plait, Aussie style bullwhip, with 12 inch handle & silver ferule engraved with our family crest the my Awesome 99year old grandpa "Primo Rex" designed!!
9. a 10ft, saddle tan, 16plait Raiders style Bullwhip with 10 inch Handle
10. a 10ft, saddle tan Indy style bullwhip with 10 inch handle
11. Last but not least, The little 1/6th scale indy whip in the middle of the circle - it's about 20 inches long & it cracks too!!!